Bip. Bap. Bam! One grenade and six shots later, I get a nifty little medal called Extermination. ;D Arena Slayer on Zealot. YouTube - BENNYkillsANY's First Extermination in Halo: Reach
I watched this about 20 times and I have no idea how you tracked that first shot or whether it was intentional - I guess that's the difference between being in game and just 'feeling it' and watching it back in a sterile, analytical way. Regardless, minimum shots - you machined it. Congrats.
i came in here like "oh great another SWAT extermination" i didnt read, i kind of played the video like a zombie, but then i shot gatorade out of my nose when i figured out what just happened. that is SICKENING, so awesome. i'd teabag too if i pulled that off.
Haha, the first one was probably luck, considering all the smoke from the grenade. I'm just surprised I kept steady. I usually freak when there are a bunch of enemies in a small space. And hopefully that gatorade didn't sting too much.