3 Plots

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Creative Force, Dec 15, 2015.

  1. Creative Force

    Creative Force Legendary
    Creative Force

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    Hey Forgehub, Sn1p3r C here posting something from Creative Force. We tested out a "3 Plots" variant that played pretty well. The best part is that you don't have to wait for Forge =)

    We also have ideas for King of the Hill, Oddball, Assault, and Land Grab, but... later this week. In the meantime:

    Edit the "Settings > Strongholds" in the Strongholds gametype to these values:

    *Score to Win: 300 points
    *Score Earned Per Interval: 1 point
    *Scoring Frequency: 1 second
    *Scoring Threshold: 1 Base
    *Time to Capture: 10 Seconds
    *Capture Rate With Multiple Players: Increasing
    *Prevent Spawning in Strongholds: On

    That's it! Now, teams will earn 1 point per second for each territory they own. Multiple teammates will capture a territory faster, and teams only need to own 1 territory to score. When we tested, 300 points was about right for the 12 minute time limit on the round, and we left capture time the same as regular Strongholds since players are used to it. Since it's just a scoring variation, it should work natively on any maps that support Strongholds.
    belucheez, Ray Benefield and Blaze like this.
  2. Ray Benefield

    Ray Benefield Godly Perfection
    Forge Critic

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    Glad to see this was posted. We've been playing this a ton in Customs and it is totally legit. I'll change the settings, but we found that a Scoring Frequency of 2 seconds was actually more accurate than 1 second. We actually did multi-team on this last night on several maps and it was intense. Loads of fun. Once Fileshares and what not drop then we will put out an actual gametype for anyone who wants access to it. Hopefully our plans for the other gametypes work out.

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