Reason: I have been in Oklahamo hunting for the past week and while I was hunting I had some thoughts in my head about new type of maps. Anyway, I was just seeing what you guys thought of them, so I dont make anything that no1 likes. You hear me? ok. Map numerial uno: Noland Noland is a type of lilypad map, with a twist in it. Instead of having the objects immoval, I was gonna try them be movable. Noland is a symmeticrical(or however you spell it) map. WHich means the two sides will be identical. However the bases will be immoval, but on your way to the other base are immoval objects you have to jump on. THen on the floor would be explosions, so if someone falls, they die. Mexicans on Borders Borders is a VIP map, it is like COde Red v2, I think thats the name and the 3 stage boss. ANyways, There will be 3 stages on the map. ANd the police men are trying to stop the mexicans jump the border. The 1 stage has a machine gun turrent. stage 2 has a guass worthug. stage 3, which is where they will respawn, have a chopper and 2 machine gun turrents. Each stage has a goal in it. Fohabalo It might just be me, but I thought that I havn't seen any halo football games. THen I thought I should make a map of it. Any the map will have a ton of honor rules, so I dont know if it will work out well. ANyway, the quaterback has a spike grenade and throws it at the reciever. THe reciever tries to run into it and blow up, then respwn in its sideline. Dont know much bout it now, but its in progess Thanks, please comment on the maps. THe legend: BOB SAGET IS MY HRO!
lol.. I wouldn't want to read it either, just try reading what the main idea of them are, please. I dont want to build something that every hates. I want to build something that people do like.
In Noland instead of fusioncoils exploding which would make it laggy try and make it so that there is either a bunch of teleporters spread out underneath, make multiple funnels like in the game "vent" which I am not sure if you have played there is a funnel which you put items in... well try and make a few of them spread out that leads to a teleporter that instantly kills you or make 1 giant funnel which leads to a teleporter that instantly kills you if you can do this, I think it could be fun.
No problem, on the mexican border one you should make it floated or suspended on double boxes so you make ditches and also make the rio grande river which is really close to the boarder. The football one is kinda confusing to me though. I don't quite get how you recieve and is there a defense? You could make it almost like grif ball but to pass you put like mancannons and grav lifts that you can through the bomb in with teleporters at the beginning of the mancannon or grav lift so that you can't cheat and just go through the mancannons. But what you do is you find out where the bomb would end up if you through it into the man cannon or grave lift and put a reciever node there so that you know where it will land. Hope this helped