Hello forgehub, i have been semi what inactive for awhile and for good reason. Some of you know i was planning a ODST themed Asset mini pack and i have a little preview pic of the first level for it (i promise to have this done by March, and i mean all the maps or at the least half). Well here is a little preview picture from City Streets, it takes place in one of the many courtyards around New Mombasa. This map will feature multi leveled buildings as well as some hanging walkways (accessible by the Jackal Sniper class). It will also feature a bridge that must be spanned in order to save the Asset. The next is some new pictures of my old map "Devils Canyon" now renamed Uplift Canyon. This map is based around Uplift reserve a steep canyon part of the map that is used as a landing zone for the zoo. Now it's turned into an up hill struggle to save the Asset. (note all these ODST themed maps will play into one another story wise) Brute Doorway Overview ODST spawn Last but not least is a map that some of you may have forgot about (but being friends with the original creator i have not) This map aka Asgard was originally by Rook. (Reining Chaos) but as some of you may know he has about a billion maps a second coming to mind and though this map structurally wise is about 70% done he has entrusted little ole me to polish it up and spit it out as a very aesthetic and awesome game play map. Just the most sexy Valhalla tower ever Behind the relic style base Overview of the relic base "note the clutter won't be on the map =p that is just how i forge haha" Well anyway this is just 3 of about 8 maps i have coming along with a super secret joint project that i shall not talk about.
good job cleaning up what i had for asgard, might it be possible to ave at least two of the obilisks on the defenders base where i had them? worry about them last though, if you dont have budget its fine... but if theres extra that might be smething to look into. the city streets one looks like where you fight the hunters in the first mission as buck, looks cool as long as there is red lighting i would assume. Btw i did change my username, I was getting annoyed of being just rc
Yeah haha i will add the obelisks back, and yeah i'll edit it lol i had no idea you changed your name. I think you messaged me. Oh and yeah that is a remake of the part where you fight the hunters. My only problem is that i may not be able to create a large tower for the relic base. Other than that it'l b fine.
if you have to make a valhalla tower instead of the relic one just me it wide enough to fit over the structure, nah, I didnt tell anybody, it was just a spur of the moment change. lol the city streets one is a good theme for me at least caue thats the first place i ever saw an engineer lol
asgard is most likely btb because of its spread open nature, even as far as I got in construction I could tell thats where it was goin for gameplay. so it'll mainly be btb one flag and one bomb. I think he meant by aesthetic as the valhalla tower is beautimus, wonder who made that... lol me
Well with as much as you got done i don't want to scrap the big tower. If anything it will be a nice looking low to the ground tower. It'l still work great for btb and one flag and bomb. If ya remember the way halo 2 Relic played i think that is what Rook and now I am going for here.
Chaos, you change your name to RC because of neg rep with reigning chaos, you now change it to rook? Were you getting picked on..? Anyway I hope that Valhalla/Sandtrap/Relic turns out ok. Hopefully Captainshutthefuckup can bring somethin to the table. I was wondering RC, should I morph my asset map into a competative map for TS & BT? I feel it wont get much attention for being an asset map since people spam asset as being boring. I would need to change a lot of it, but oh well. Looks good cap-n
Yeah i have to say its coming along quite nicely. It won't have a ginormous tower like the Valhalla base but it will be a very nice looking and well playing base. As of now (no tests run yet) my only thing is for one sided games i think the tank and lazer for defenders might be a little much. Other than that i don't see any problems with the game play. Of course i hope i have enough objects left to add some more terrain to break up the flat parts.