Trying to get Inclement Weather is just one of the reasons I play matchmaking. Also because of friends but, this isn't no ordinary game. My clan found these 4 retards which 2 weren't play during the last 30 secs. 501 Kills in Black Ops Ehh? What about 3 Exterms in 1 Game in less than 2 mins? Possible, but not for any run of mill player. Bro Slayer was mean't for spawn kill. This will show proof and exploit bungie's new version of slayer. In the video, the 3rd Exterm cannot be seen. Since the game ended and everyone automatically spawned up. But however, in the stats it says 3. Link for stats will be posted below the video. Red Team: x45K Derk, x45K Eddzie, XSNIPERDEM0NX, Lil Devil9597 Blue Team: lilsit2, Ambulanceblues (G), Ambulanceblues, pearguise [bungievid]15376936[/bungievid] : Reach : Game Details 1. Click on Medals 2. Click the + sign on Lil Devil9597
You spawn camped them....with a shotgun and sword......Thats like saying you got a killionaire in grifball
I agree with Itz Cheez3....You literally had a shotgun and sword the whole time...and like the first Exterm was with a double kill all while you were literally waiting for them to spawn right in front of you. Not really impressive at all...I'd much rather watch a video of someone 5 shotting 4 people right in a row for a single Exterm.
I agree to a point. They could've easily spawn somewhere else, but they kept spawning on there teammates. Not my fault for their mistake.
Apparently it is. lol. What perplexes me is why you'd make a statement like that, laud your "accomplishment" then immediately admit to spawn-killing in the next sentence. Do you really not see the heavy-handed irony there?
meh interesting watch I guess.. it does kinda suck that the idiots in that game failed to realise they were being spawn raped and didn't choose another spawn location... but that's what you get for going into a game against noobs... It reminds me of my 27/0 snipers perfection against a brigadier (i was a sgt at the time) and his three guests -.-
We have all been there... Both of my legit perfections on H3 were against A noob and his guests, but still, if they're gonna play together, they may as well expect to get the **** kicked out of them in their first few games, we are all noobs once. My H Reach perfection is another good example. It wasn't exactly a team of guests and noobs (no guests at all, some were higher ranks) I simply managed to stay out of trouble for the entire game. I got the running riot and then hid for the rest of the game, hoping no-one would find me, and hoped that the accidental betrayal I got (stupid kid stood next to an enemy and beat him down just as i sword lunged...) wouldn't count against me. Nethertheless it didn't and I got my perfection medal. If you can be bothered, I rendered the gameplay vid for the whole world to see and it is here