3-D Designer

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by TheDarkKnight05, Sep 27, 2008.


3-D Designer

  1. Possible

    4 vote(s)
  2. Not Possible

    2 vote(s)
  1. TheDarkKnight05

    TheDarkKnight05 Ancient
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    I was just thinking about the foundry designer, when i thought of an idea. What if there was a 3-D designer for foundry. The designer would have a plain floor but the objects would all be 3-D but not as detailed, just a plain box or a plain wall.

    What do you think of this idea?
    Not Possible?

    Please expain your likes, dislikes.
    NO SPAM!
  2. Security

    Security Ancient
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    I don't understand the regular one as it is.
  3. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    I doubt that FH would be able to create one...
    Some other guy created the program; Forgehub simply use it on the website.
    I know it's not your fault for asking but FH didn't make it in the first place, lolz.

    Plus, screenshots, or just regular forging would probably look a whole lot better when describing the map compared to adding black and white pics. If that's what you intented of course. You may just want to use it for personal design...

    So to answer, it's not possible to create or add it to FH yet.

    (P.S: I hope my facts are correct!)
  4. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Oh, sure. Find me a guy willing to program a 3D web-app modeler at no cost, and then we'll include it.
  5. TheDarkKnight05

    TheDarkKnight05 Ancient
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    dude, I was just wondering, you dont have to give me this smart ass attitude.
  6. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    That's Nemi for you, try and not get offended.

    Personally, I just forge it, but if you want, you could download Sketchup, and make shapes about the same proportions as objects in Foundry.
  7. E93

    E93 Guest

    I'm not really website coding illiterate, but wouldn't that take up half the sites memory, or whatever it is?

    Maybe if it was on a completely separete site...
  8. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
    Senior Member

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    does anybody remember this?

    the fh google sketch-up crew. mooregames/projectt and others. the project was started but was kind of forgotten about.
  9. Klink258

    Klink258 Ancient
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    In his defense, you labeled this as "Suggestion," as in "you should do this"

    But even if the foundry 3d project was abandoned, you can still use sketchup to make a rough drawing of what you want your main geometry to be like. It's a really great (and free) tool.
  10. TheDarkKnight05

    TheDarkKnight05 Ancient
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    ya, i usually just go on forge and think of the ideas. I was just making a suggestion because it would be awesome and in my opinion would be very helpful and a newer tool for forging. It would be kind of like the foundry designer but 3-D.
  11. Boyle06

    Boyle06 Ancient
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    i like the ide but ther would definately need away to geo... and all... this is good n it is already underway.. w/ detail... i donno where to find it its only on freewebs right now but it is happening
  12. DirectHit3000

    DirectHit3000 Ancient
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    Did you forget about me?

    One of the main reasons I stopped working on my 3D Forge Designer was that I thought Bungie was going to include an alternate version of Forge in the TU2, but now that I see that that's not going to happen, yet at leas, I will be looking into making a bare bones version minus a bunch of those fancy features. One of the big time consuming things that I'm going to have to do is measure out foundry and then reproducing it. I might just make a polygon maker and have you guys do the grunt work (at least you'll get the "main area" version sooner). I'll get to work on really preparing my current version and studying up on Open GL tonight. Check out my thread for any updates. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-forge-discussion/23437-making-3-d-forge-designer.html
  13. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    I'm pretty sure not many people are going to want to download a program just to make models of what they want there model of a map to look like.
  14. TheDarkKnight05

    TheDarkKnight05 Ancient
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    I would, I think it would be SUPER helpful and awesome. It would show people to design and then put all of those objects into a really foundry map. People must care or else they would not be making a foundry software and/or posting in this thread. : )
  15. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    You may not have to. I was thinking about making one with the program designer I have, but it would be difficult considering the fact that you would have to be able to upload it to Adobe. Uploading it there would allow you to play it on the internet like it was built there.
  16. DirectHit3000

    DirectHit3000 Ancient
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    Let me just clear up what I am at least going to attempt to do.

    Think about it, anyone would be able to make whatever they want without having their Forge skills getting in the way. Just post your designs and have skilled forgers build and tweak it to THEIR liking. Then you can change it back to your original or maybe even updated vision. Here's what I'm planning for the first official version.

    Text file format file saving
    Multiple maps (think tabs but on a two dimensional level)
    Copy and paste functionality
    Auto symmetry/mirroring options
    Either an Undo/Redo system or a Quick Save/Load system
    Auto-Save History options
    Object Groups
    Randomization options
    And it will be Open Source (except for the pre-release versions)

    Off the top of my head I'll include the following objects: Wall, Double Wall, Corner Wall (probably will just use two normal Walls), Bridge, Fence Wall, Single Box, Double Box, Single Box Open, Double Box Open, Crate, Window Panel, Barrier, Barrier Short, Barrel, Barrel Short, Power-Ups (Red, Blue and Yellow or just make it white and have you guys pick the color), Door, Wire Spool, the Shield Doors and maybe the Pallet (might just make a two by four and draw it a bunch of times). If only I spat out code this fast...
  17. LIGHTSOUT225

    Senior Member

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    this is not a site matter. moved to halo forge discussion

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