I know this weekend Double Experience is 3 Ball, which is 4 teams of 3 be players with the 3 balls. It sounds like it might be alot of fun, what does everyone else think? Also, if you've played it, what did you think?
if one team would get it and hide, the teams would go after the other 2. stupid. bungie is not doing so good this year.
I like 3 ball. Its fun seeing how many oddballs you team can control before being smacked down! I think its tons of fun personally. Lots of teamwork.
I enjoy and requires lots of teamwork all though 3 low ball is the worst game ever made. No wait I take that back ShWATguns is but its a close second.
It's a giant Overkill for an Oddball game, especially the selection of maps that most games occur on, small, one level maps. It's a change for most games, but it sucks. It wasn't as bad as the Living Dead playlist, though.
Lolz. I was playing a day or 2 ago, and my team had all the balls for the whole game. We had owned everyone that came near.
I don't think that the gametype itself is bad, but the maps are. i was playing it with Matty the other night and it was disgusting how many times someone would spawn right behind us and get an assasination. i think if they bothered to make (or commision someone to make, much like MLG did) a specific set of two or three maps for it it wouldn't be too bad.