If you insist, but fair warning, it will be too fabulous for the eyes to behold. I understand all the limitations of holding a larger contest, and I know a lot of people enjoy these smaller tourneys, but damn it sucks when on comes up and it's the same thing again, as we've wanted a larger tourney for years. But as I said, if you insist, I think I'll just go forge a contest winner now. Prepare your bodies everyone.
That's the attitude right there, Shoe. That's what I'm talking about I'm expecting to flood my hard drive with a lot of great maps out of this. Haha Urban, I'm just here to brighten a day or two.
Bigger tourney, shoe? In like team volume or what? Because organizing a 2v2 is hard enough as is and anything larger is just a nightmare.
We checked last night and it wasn't there. In terms of a larger tourney I meant larger team sizes. I know that would be a pain as humans are humans and the more you try to organize together the more goes wrong, but I think a 4 v 4 objective tourney (like flag or something) would be pretty awesome and totally plausible. And so it's decided, Duck and I will be co-forging a map for the contest, featuring all the things a 2 v 2 map should have, like textures and sniper rifles.
MAYBE during the summer but definitely not any other time of year. Far too many people have school, work, or just miscellaneous life stuff to have 8 people coordinating every week to meet up. Trust me on this one.
Considering how often 2v2 matches don't get played and go to a coin flip (or one team winning by default), I have my doubts that a 4v4 tourney would really work. We'd also get fewer participants - larger teams automatically means fewer teams, obviously, but I also think some people just have an easier time finding one teammate to play with as opposed to three. Basically, having participated in the 2v2 Smackdown and seeing how big of a scheduling mess that was, I don't think it would work. I'd love to be in a 4v4 tournament, but sadly I don't see it working. This seems to be the consensus among staff any time the subject comes up.
I don't think anyone expects a BTB tournament to be held, but a forging contest for larger maps would be way cool (the distinction being a contest to forge the maps, not a tournament to actually play them). I know it's a pain in the ass to judge (you guys should have tried judging our purple bunker contest), but a slightly larger undertaking in order to satisfy a different group of people would be appreciated. Still, Shoe and I are working on a masterpiece.
I've seen tournaments through 3 and Reach through both staff and participant eyes, and they've definitely convinced me that 4v4 just isn't going to work.
I'm actually really excited. I wonder what maps the community is going to create this time. To be honest, I'm hard to please though. So it better be good or else I'm reporting you to the moderators.
hahahaha you owe me a new pair of pants, ****. Spilled a bunch of coffee everywhere because of that image. Oh, and hey look a 2v2 tourney!
Interested... hehe. Question: What is the policy on maps remade (with changes) from other games (Aerowalk from Quake) being used as submissions?
I just read in the bulletin that Team Doubles will be updated on Monday to disable instant respawn. Will the gametype also be updated?
Has it been confirmed that gametype will actually be available for us in customs, or is it just a matchmaking variant?