Foundry 2nd-Try

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by II Taco, Jun 13, 2009.

  1. II Taco

    II Taco Ancient
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    2nd Try

    This is a new jump map made by me and IT phylum. Complete every jump on the map in the various rooms and you will eventually get to the odball and win. It consists of various different jumping techniques and I believe it will challenge most people here. Be sure to check out the video(s) because they will help you a lot. A warning for the not so experienced jumper, this map includes techniques such as overjumping, slide ramps, overslides and bunnyhopping.


  2. Xang

    Xang Ancient
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    As a fan of jumping I will say you did a great job on the map. All the ghost jumping, slide jumping, over jumping and everything else makes the map perfect. Im actually working on a jumping map a bit like this, iIjust hope it can keep up with yours. :D
    #2 Xang, Jun 13, 2009
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2010
  3. The Stickmen

    The Stickmen Ancient
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    "As not a typical fan of jump maps this is pretty good. For such a small space you really made the most of it. A good run of 3 minutes is good time, just not sure how much replay value this has. Very nice though. 9/10" says former Green Bay QB Brett Favre.
  4. II Taco

    II Taco Ancient
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    Well it takes people a lot more than 3 minutes to run through the map. Parts were cut out of the video to make it a little smaller. ;) Well there are a lot of people who still play a jump map I made a year ago, so I guess it has some replay value as it was kind of the same.
  5. Plan B

    Plan B Ancient
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    Wow that was an amazing map.
    the video is alot more helpful than the pics.
    I loved how around 1:50 you meleed an pulled yourself up.

    looks pretty challenging, and must have taken lots of planning and a tedious job to forge that kind of map.

    good map, jumpers will be happy.
  6. Satan130

    Satan130 Ancient
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    Wow. I've seen a couple of jumping maps before, but this undoubtedly tops them all. Being able to ghost jump or slide jump consistently would be amazing. Definitely have my download.
  7. it phylum

    it phylum Ancient
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    Hey guys, thanks for the replies. Although it's kinda dissapointing because nobody really is commenting on the map. It could help us out if you say what you liked and disliked about the map.
  8. Fusion

    Fusion Ancient
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    This is a very nicely forged map, i had fun testing it and playing on the final version. It's one of the best jumping maps i've played on.
  9. DaRK FiOS

    DaRK FiOS Ancient
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    If you don't comment in this thread you are a noob, that it all.........

    lol but seriously very well done map.
  10. dennis1895

    dennis1895 Ancient
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    your mexican jump map was hard but this one is really extreme you really make the hardest jump maps ever
  11. II Taco

    II Taco Ancient
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    I take that as a compliment =), but fyi there ARE more difficult jump maps around. =o They just don't get posted here because they tend to not get well received on forgehub. You need to know a lot about jumping to like this stuff.
  12. DaRK FiOS

    DaRK FiOS Ancient
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    I think this is better than Jump Mexican lol
  13. Civil Heroes75

    Civil Heroes75 Ancient
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    This map is pretty hard. It took me over 20 tries to beat it >_>. It might be because I just fail at jumping. Great map.
  14. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    I'm awful at this kind of thing, but you seem really good at it.

    I would definitely say this map is pretty hardcore and hence I'll probably give this one a miss.

    If you hadn't have posted the vids, it could have been a puzzle map (although you'd end up with like 50 PMs asking how to get past point x because it'd be so hard)

    If you haven't already joined, I highly recommend joining the Tester's Guild. You would be an awesome map breaker.

    The map is really clean too. I guess it has to be for this sort of thing, but I was expecting another random-objects-on-the-skybubble-floor-on-sandbox style jump map. Congratz on putting the effort into making this type of map outside of sandbox's skybubble (although if you died when you missed a jump...) and using proper forging techniques.
    Not really too keen on the name though. Maybe "1276th try" is more suited to this type of map...
  15. DaRK FiOS

    DaRK FiOS Ancient
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    ooooooooooooo tester's guild
  16. II Taco

    II Taco Ancient
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    Thanks a lot for the reply (finally someone ..). I felt like nobody would make a decent post about the map and it was kind of unexpected. We put a lot of effort into this map to finally bring out something that is more than the always frequent random-objects-on-the-skybubble-floor-on-sandbox style jump maps, like you said.

    About the Tester's Guild, if they need someone to break maps for them I would be happy to help. I have always loved breaking them and I started getting pretty good at them =).

    As to the name, it's kind of a name that means something to both of us and it doesn't really mean you should be able to get everything 2nd try ;)

    Thanks for the positive comment and I hope we'll receive more of these.
  17. it phylum

    it phylum Ancient
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    like taco said, its nice that somebody takes the time to say what he thinks about a map. so the only thing i can say is thx, taco already said the rest:p
  18. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    I really want to try beating this map. There are some jumps on this map that I know I can complete successfully, but some of these look just impossible through my eyes. I bet if I practiced enough I could get to that level some day. Probably won't happen though. Very nice post by the way, and nice videos. The music seemed like a perfect choice for the video.
  19. Sarge525

    Sarge525 Ancient
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    Well, jump tacs are nice, but not always practical for the everyday jumper. Excluding that fact this map does well for what it is. So if you're a person looking to learn a wide range of jump tacs I would immediatley suggest this map... now onto some points that could be improved.
    • Maps of this nature tend to not maintain a symmetry throughout their design, so you should consider trying to maintain a similar format for each jumping area. As this will provide an ergonomic flow to the map and add a good aesthetic value.
    • The post could use a worded tutorial, that explains how to perform the techniques used in each jump; which you could add under each picture.
    • Consider adding support for an alternate gametype; that adds a race feature. This could be accomplished through multiple game variant forms, and by using symmetry settings on certain items that alter the map based on the gametype. This would add more to the map, so more people could participate in it as a competetive game.
  20. II Taco

    II Taco Ancient
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    Well first of the map isn't really intended to be for learning. It's more of a map for people who know how to trick jump. If they don't they can watch trick jumping guides on youtube. Also Maintaining symmetry throughout this map would have made it so much smaller because we wouldn't be able to build along the outside of the map. and we could have made alternate gametypes but I don't know why we should. People wouldn't want to race on a map that is focused on completing the map and not on speed. You have your jump map packs and they're kind of the same right? Or did you add a race feature?

    Not flaming on you, just trying to clear up why we chose to make it like this. And that it was just intended to be this way.

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