Well, um.... whats with you can strange looking insects? Or to but it better, creatures. Anyways, it is beastly. I wouldn't want my blood on those claws. Let's see, improvements could be that instead of brushes for the background, use a C4D. The blood splatter is a good effect, but I don't think the blending mode on your text is the best option, neither is the color. Other than that, keep making signatures and find your style. It's just a matter of time.
They are from Starcraft which is the best RTS game ever made and is actually a SPORT in Korea. My background is more complex than you think. It is 3 layers. The first is a bunch of renders to make texture. The second is a gradient to add orange color and black around the edges and the third is a spiderweb design. The text has no blending mode, it just has lower opacity. Peace.
You're using the same font. Try some different fonts, or just don't use them at all. Some sigs actually look nicer without text.
love the colors for starters becuz im a huge fan of black and blood but i cant completelt dig the main render becuz its just kinfda funky lookin creature but it looks good anyway (on a scale of 1-5 i rate it a "beast")
What is it with you people and not knowing what Starcraft is ???? Have you no knowledge of the ACTUAL BEST RTS EVER?
Text isn't good to make your "trademark". It doesn't give much variation to your sigs, because text is somewhat of a focal. You should make a simple transparent logo or something. That would be better, then you could use different text.
Yeah Funky's right... Even though it's ur "trademark" it's nice to switch it up a bit. Also I haven't seen a single C4d in ur sigs and I think u should try them out... They help me a lot so...
I used a C4D in my Astro-Stick sig in case you didn't notice. I can look into a logo maybe.............we'll see.