Remake 2fortsniper

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by GreenArchon, Dec 15, 2010.

  1. GreenArchon

    GreenArchon Forerunner

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    Hello Forgehub,

    This is my first map, a simple remake of 2fortsniper, which is, basically, 2fort without the bridge :). It's obviously made for Team Snipers, and the teams must be Red v.s. Blue (for spawns to work). It is not a 1:1 remake, because Spartans tend to move faster and jump higher than TF's snipers, but the map's proportions seem fine to me. There's not much more to say, the concept behind the map is very old, I don't think it needs to be explained again, just aim for the head, and shoot to kill. Screenshots below.




  2. dishonestpirate

    dishonestpirate Forerunner

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    I was going to mention the snipers being phased and the weapons left to float around when the player dies but then I realized since you meant for this to played with snipers as starting weapon so it wouldn't matter as they would only be picked up for ammo.

    If there was a bridge I could see this being very fun for other game types as well.
  3. GreenArchon

    GreenArchon Forerunner

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    Yes, the snipers are pretty much there for ammo/visual, and actually won't even appear in standard Team Snipers (which have weapons on map disabled). Also, for the bridge/a full 2fort, I'd have to see the newest 2fort remakes, some of them are probably very good already.
  4. MyWhiteFlag

    MyWhiteFlag Forerunner

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    First of all I have to say that Sniper specific maps are rare and I like your idea for a long range sniper map, which we need more of.
    That being said I do have a few qualms about your map.
    Firstly, whats to stop the winning team simply hiding inside their fort once they've reached a higher score?
    Secondly I question why both teams know where they are going to spawn, it goes against the idea that the sniper conceals himself to avoid revealing his location.
    I also agree with dishonestpirates idea of adding the bridge to the map, it would really add an extra dimmension to the map. It would also stop both teams hiding inside their forts.
    Criticism aside, I like your deviation from the usual slayer maps I see here, and I do like your ideas.

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