Wear Your Elite Gear. Starting now, Team Snipers is back to star as the weekend Double EXP playlist. Long rifles paired with magnums or shotguns in a primarily slayer, somewhat objective playlist for two teams of four. Team Snipers is available from 11am PDT August 21st until 2am on the 25th. Legendary and Heroic maps are required. Cheers!
Thats what you get for playing COD 4ail. Lol Anyways, I played like 20 matches today. was pretty fun, i dislike splazers.
How could you say such a horrible thing? Living Dead was the worst combination of zombie variants EVER MADE. There needs to be a ForgeHub featured maps Double XP weekend.
I love sniper's and plan on playing for a good amount this weekend. Oh and btw, this really should be moved to Halo discussion.
Awwww, I didn't really enjoy the last double xp snipers. Dang... I guess it will just make me better than. I will start once I get my 35.
Agreed the maps weren't to fun but the Infection variant was awesome especially for Matchmaking. It's much easier to go on matchmaking Living Dead than to go host a custom game and do infection which takes way longer to get a good large party IMO. Double XP Snipers is also really fun as well, I'm pretty good at it too!
There is a map on the Playlist in Foundry that resembles, or it is, Bart's Manor. That map was a giant rooftop campfest. Rip turret, jump 2 roof, get behind roof entrance. Kill all zombies that come out of the hole. It sucked. The Overshield helped, but not enough. The worst gametype was BRAINSSSS, or something like that. One shot to head, zombie dead (Yay, a rhyme!). So unbalanced. It wasn't played on the Foundry map though, thank gawd.
living dead PWNED, and GUYS FORGEHUB IS NOT EVERYTHING TO BUNGIE and anyway, i dont love the features anyway