Debate 2012?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by xxAl Capwnagexx, Jun 25, 2008.

  1. V3SPH

    V3SPH Ancient
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    The thing is, the Myan calander has never been wrong yet!

    That scares me T.T
  2. Cato IV

    Cato IV Ancient
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    @tex and other ppl talking about prophets etc

    Nostradamus is bull. If you read that 9/11 stuff before 9/11 and think to yourself "ah so middle eastern terrorists are going to fly planes into the world trade centers on september 11th 2001" THAT would be a PREdiction. Interpretting it after the fact makes it a POSTdiction. That's what all his stuff is--just vague statements written in old french. You how he "predicted" Hitler? He wrote of "hister," who would be a leader and cause war and death. So naturally a bunch of idots thought Hitler=Hister11!!11 But in realitly hister in old French means shepard, as in leader of the flock. So all Nostradamus really said was in the future a leader will cause war and there will be death etc. He wrote that knowing there was bound to be war some time in the future and just got lucky that the leader was named Hitler. He never predicts anything by name--he just uses vague terms and what specifics he dos give are common occurences.

    He was also an astronomer so the alignment of the earth sun and center of the galaxy must have seemed to him like a good place to write vaguely about death floods famine etc--whatever it is he wrote.

    AS for 2012 itself the scientific fact, as some1 said earlier, the sun earth and center of the galaxy are going to line up, probably causing the earth;s poles to shift. While this could lead to many natural disasters(small eruptions and earth quakes IMO altho could be worse) I doubt humanity itself will be wiped out, or even if the infrastructure of mmodern civilization will change. The sudden change and its effects on the earths crust and mantle could cause huge earthquakes/eruptions but I doubt any1 can make predictions with any degree of accuracy.

    The best way to determine what will happen is look back in time to when has happened b4. It happens every 10k years or so IIRC and the species from the last occurence (including our ancestors) carried on alright AFAIK. THats why I predict the effects will be minor--if they didnt wipe out our ancestors living in caves then they shouldnt damage us much at all. I'm sure there has been research done looking back at the times this occured in the past but Im too lazy to google it atm.
  3. Hooglebug

    Hooglebug Ancient
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    Ok let me start by saying that if the earth is destroyed we will still have people in space to rebuild the worlds population (Now thats alot of work) but when the planets do line up like the users above me said when we were primative we could survive now we are more advanced than ever and not to mention our good friends in Nervada, area 51 is underground meaning they will probaly survive aswell so maybe wiping out a billion people or so but not the end of humanity the start of humanity.
  4. Saberwing 9875

    Saberwing 9875 Ancient
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    k this makes me laugh... I'm sorry, but the amount of people that have no idea about the space program or astronauts is incredible. Another thing that makes me laugh is that most close minded American's (so most of the country) think they were the first in space with Allen Shepard, when it was in fact a cosmonaut, Yuri Gagaron.
    Anyway back on topic... May I ask how the astronauts in space would get back to earth if we were all wiped out? The only way back from the ISS are the 3 remaining Space Shuttles, or the Russian Rockets... (can't recall the names of the rockets) And before you say they can just raise it in space. That would never work, Astronauts spend about 3-4 hours a day exercising to keep their muscles in shape, because without gravity the muscles don't have to do much work, and they and the bones deteriorate. Not to mention that there wouldn't be enough supplies on the station to last that long...
    And if there are Volcanoes erupting all over, imagine the dust and ash put into the atmosphere. It would probably block out the sun causing Nuclear Winters where the eruptions are...
    #124 Saberwing 9875, Jul 22, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2008
  5. Hooglebug

    Hooglebug Ancient
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    Im british OWNED!!! And your a racist towards americans

    They wait for everything to chill and clear up they have people in space for days on end this would just be a little longer than that.
  6. Saberwing 9875

    Saberwing 9875 Ancient
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    I wasn't calling you an American. I was merely making an observation about most Americans I meet...

    As for the space part...
    The Space Shuttle goes up about every 2-6 months... the ISS has enough supplies for i think about a year... But you argument doesn't make sense to me... they would just chill and wait for it to clear up? We would have to go get them... If we're still here... Why would we need to go get them? They cannot do anything from the ISS...
  7. Hooglebug

    Hooglebug Ancient
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    Yes you did you clearly stated that you thought i was close minded then said aswell as most of your country so your either a racist to U.S.A OR U.k pick one.

    And the people in space land it them selves and volcano's would only be going off for a few days plus if there is a comet we would detect it or else its something along he lines of 9/11 but its goes horribly wrong or right.
    Mr Pokephile likes this.
  8. Saberwing 9875

    Saberwing 9875 Ancient
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    So first of all, your calling me a racist... Now according to the dictionary, the term racist means:
    1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
    2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.
    How can I be racist to a country? Racist means I go around saying I hate niggers because they do drugs and they're gonna shoot me, or saying that the middle eastern gentlemen on the plane beside me has a bomb just because of his Ethnicity.

    By the way, my original post about Americans was this:
    I was stating something, not saying you were an American at all. Maybe you should go back to Grammar School.

    Second of all, I'm going to show you a picture of the ISS:[​IMG]
    Now how the **** would you suggest that they land that? They are up there alone, they have no way of getting off that station unless someone comes and get's them.

    Do you have any idea how big the sky is?
    We cannot track the entire sky... A comet or asteroid could very easily hit the earth and we wouldn't know about it until maybe a week in advance...

    You might want to do a bit of research before you get into a debate with someone who knows what he's talking about.
    #128 Saberwing 9875, Jul 22, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2008
  9. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
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    rofl... Hoogle you don't get it do you? :p
  10. Hooglebug

    Hooglebug Ancient
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    1:Told you you were racist and i would not post that im not sure youre alowwed to say niggers on here but none the less you are digging yourself a hole you are sterotyping a country from a minority you play over xboxlive and you want to argue about spaceships with me when you can't even doing some research about people on the other side of the big pond.

    2. There is more than one spaceship in orbit you could have a shuttle sent up and connected on to the ISS and when the time comes to return to earth land the shuttle step out the ship and start to rebuild the worlds population, this would take a huge amount of food but is entirley possible.
  11. Saberwing 9875

    Saberwing 9875 Ancient
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    Rolling..... on.... floor...... laughing......

    I know that the ISS isn't the only thing in orbit, ever heard of the Moon? So what your saying is this... When the earth is blowing up. We are going to have NASA get everybody together, launch Space Shuttle: Discovery, Atlantis, or Endeavor. Go up to the space station, wait there until the entire world is dead... Then cram everybody into every available space. Land the shuttle with no ground control, and then survive?

    As for the racial slurs, I wasn't calling anybody them... If the mods want them off they can edit my post or tell me to.

    And researching the people on the other side of the big pond? What on Earth are you talking about? What am i supposed to research about you? :S Think before you type. It will save alot of confusion...

    And how am I stereotyping an entire country from a minority? Last time I checked, I wasn't attacking any ethnic group... I was talking about the citizens of a country.

    Might wanna read the post better idiot...
    #131 Saberwing 9875, Jul 22, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2008
  12. Saint Prodigy

    Saint Prodigy Ancient
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    no final answer and cuz i said so it wont happen lol
  13. Hooglebug

    Hooglebug Ancient
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    1. Did you read my post i said rebuild the population not shove it in a spaceship, only a couple of people will go into space and will make children to start rebuilding the earth.

    2. The big pond is a term meaning "the atlantic ocean" AKA American

    3. You called either most of Britians or America's population narrow minded.

    4. Name calling is not tolerated at forgehub mods eat him alive.
  14. Saberwing 9875

    Saberwing 9875 Ancient
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    So I assume you know of some top secret NASA space ship that will be ready to launch on a moments notice to save mankind should the need to arise?

    I know that a nickname for the atlantic ocean is the pond.. its not commonly referred to as the big pond though as the pacific is usually called that.


    And stop trying to act like your best friends with the mods and that your the only thing holding them back. Seriously, I have never heard of you before. Go play some Halo 3, brush your teeth, and stop making stupid comments about stuff you do not understand.
  15. bluepenguin23

    bluepenguin23 Ancient
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    0 fo etad eht si hcihw rednellac nayam eht fo dne eht si siht .2102 ,12 .ced
    #135 bluepenguin23, Jul 22, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2008
  16. sexy dude

    sexy dude Ancient
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    if you are mening to global warning then no it is only a mith a theore nothing else so i don't think it will it has be thought of before and before and before
  17. Saberwing 9875

    Saberwing 9875 Ancient
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    Spellcheck and grammar are your friends....

    And you present no evidence to your claim... try again...
  18. Hooglebug

    Hooglebug Ancient
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    Im back first up i have never heared of the Pacific ocean being referred to as the big pond only the Atlantic ocean.

    What does my age have to do with anything and you are racist "brush your teeth" what a stupid sterotype i have perfect teeth and have i ever said i was the mods best friend.

    On topic: The ISS is equiped with escape pods encase of emergency the pods have been set to locate and fly back to earth. When the pods have reached the atmosphere after a certain altitude the pods automatacly release a parachute. This means they would be able to get them selves back to earth. They would need to take alot of food, drink and oxygen to survive until the dust has gone and from that point they could start growing crops and making babies to re-grow the world back to normal.
  19. Saberwing 9875

    Saberwing 9875 Ancient
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    Alright first of all you seem to enjoy calling me a racist wayyyy to much. I'm white, I'm Canadian.

    The Soyuz isn't meant to be used as something to escape from the ISS if the earth decided to blow itself up. It needs someone on the ground too.
    Also, say they managed to pilot it safely back to earth. They would still be in EVA suits. And they would have just re-entered earth after spending long amounts of time in space. Do you know what astronauts go through when they return to earth? They're muscles are so weak they can barely stand. They must then go through months of rigorous physio-therapy.

    You never said you were the mod's boyfriend. I merely stated to the fact that you said "mods eat him alive" as if they were waiting for you to give them the command. If they really wanted to do anything they would've by now.

    You should really just stop arguing with your inferior pathetic ramblings. Where did you learn this? Star Trek? Do some actual research.
  20. Scopulus

    Scopulus Ancient
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    Science Has Spoken: Global Warming Is a Myth

    Pollution exists but global warming is just climate change. Ask a university meteorologist. My brother did and the teacher said it was only climate change.

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