It would really suck if it did we would miss christmas! LOL no i doubt anything will happen its just the end of an ancient calander big woop!
I don't know if this has been talked about yet, by various video games have been set in 2012, symbolizing the end of the world thing. Looking at Wikipedia, Shadowrun, Assassin's Creed, and Universe at War:Earth Assault were all set in this year. I thought Shadowrun was the most interesting, because it was set in the Sixth Mayan world.
I'm really disturbed by this, thinking the world will end in 4 years? Jesus ****. Mayan End Times Prophecy 12-21-2012 Some information and a disturbing counter...
The world won't end, however the theroy does have some evidence. Did you know the mayans keep records of time for twise as long as what we have keep them in out current history
Yeah, and we have to align all the crystal skulls before 2012 or we will all be killed because the Mayans said so.
What happened was the Mayans were adding to their calender and predicting things in the future(star placement and other things). They only had so much time to get as far into the future as possible before their civilization collapsed. When their civilization ended, they only got as far as 2012 in predicting. Do you think they'd be able to add to it and fill it with predictions until the end of time? no way. it had to stop somewhere and 2012 just happens to be its ending point. It doesn't say anything like "2012: the world ends" it's just when they stopped adding to it. If it does say so then they definitely just threw it in when they ran out of time. If the world actually ends, that's one **** of a coincidence but the world could end any second if you think of it. North Korea does have nukes This is another example of people being ridiculous and overreacting to things *cough* y2k *cough*
i remember that one all the americans where thinking technology was gonna stop working and stuff hehehehe but still think what you want but i think its way too much a coincidence that on 2012 winter solstice planet Niburu(X,Nemesis w/t its name is) completes its cycle but i don't care and am gonna continue living the way i have I.E play games beat hell out of people no one likes and stuff
No I don't think it will either. But I do kind of suspect that something will happen that will be the beginning of the end times. ...If that makes sense...
i am gonna make a bet with reyn if the world ends i will buy him a beer and 50 pizzas of his choice but if it doesn't he has to buy me 50 beers and 40 pizzas
I was tlking to my parents about this awhile ago. They said that this is just a bunch of bs. I still believe it gonna happen, but they said that on that day, I get to have a party w00t! If the world ends then im screwed, but if it doesnt, we PAAAAAAAARTY!
the world didnt end in the year 1000 or 2000, so why would it happen now? and to another post, the end of day will come when we nolonger need our bodies, as in, we get downloaded into a computer or something. THEN we will no long exist, and it will come to be that humans are a foot note.
ok apart from tex's big long post.... i have one thing to say. the intranets are supposed to go commercial in 2012. like only the big sites like google and yahoo! can be accessed.. it will work like TV, you have to pay a bunch of money just so you can access certain sites... so yes the world will end for some people.. not literally but through this.
in-site-ful (XD I MADE A PUN!!) definatly will end for me then. cant beleive that! that is B*#$ S@*^!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No. Ok, a couple people predict something. **** those people. The world will end when we choose, and I seriously doubt it will by in 4 years from now. This has already been debated on this forum multiple times.
I thought the world would end in 2006. Sixth of June, 2006. That was the bloody scariest day of my life. Bit dodgey really, cos nothing happened. I was trembling all day, and on the seventh I felt really embarrassed. If the world was going to end in 2012, then we would be pulled forward in time one second, into a slaughter (solar) -system where a group of planets are bunched up together, and some random alien / robot force creates a black hole, and we are all obliterated by the power of dark matter. Thats creative that is.
Hell yh! London are holding the 2012 Olympics - epic disaster. Its way to cold over here in England. A holiday to America would be awesome. You can't hate the americans... they makeabsolutley everthing - except for China that is. You wouldn't want to hold the Olympics there...oh,wait!
Oh really? We decide when the world is going to end? Like we have a hand of god at the control of a machine, that stops meteors/global warming/heavy drought/etc.? Hmm...I had no idea... This is the actual debate though. No matter if it's been discussed before or not. This is the place to bring all that discussion to one area.