Seriously go and get some ****ing sources and the truth before you throw around accusations. You destroy these threads with naive or bias opinions.
If everyone thought the world would end by meteor someone would probably launch a meteor defense system. there are already things like that that they use to detect nukes and things. And seriously, if some divine power wanted us to die to open up new opportunities for new life, why the hell did it let us get such advanced technology or such a huge population. And I'm not sure if anybodies thought about it like this but if you haven't then try it. The dinosaurs were vicious and killed a lot of things. They were replaced by us and everyone seems to think we are so much worse then them. So if we die out, What will the NEXT DOMINANT SPECIES be like. They'll probably find our nukes and cause a nuclear winter across the world. Just think about that. Cause affter all, we the dominant species has just kept getting worse throughout the years hasn't it.