Debate 2012?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by xxAl Capwnagexx, Jun 25, 2008.

  1. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    Australia isn't a country
  2. ExoticallyPure

    ExoticallyPure Forerunner

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    Contrary to popular belief, the date the Mayans ended their calendar is not December 21, 2012.

  3. Camel Carcass

    Camel Carcass Ancient
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    Contrary to popular belief, Australia isn't a Mayan 21st, and the country is a calendar.
  4. B3NW

    B3NW Ancient
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    dum de dum... Ohh **** that calender ended last week, the suns going to implode! All calenders end, lets be realistic, wouldnt you stop a calender after a thousand years?
  5. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Do a bit of researchhhhhh, there's plenty of evidence for both sides of this debate, and then it wouldn't look so terrible..

    The plot to 2012 is quite awful. 6.5x10^10 Neutrino's hit each square cm on Earth, every second. They have no physical effect on anything. I find it quite absurd that a figure that gargantuan has no phyiscal effect, but 'double that' has a catastrophic one. It's just silly.
  6. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
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    Never heard of that movie.
    I got that off a documentary (which wasn't about 21/12/2012, but about solar flares being at their strongest point for a few decades in 2012).

    There are hundreds of 2012 theories.
    Try disproving 500 without somehow even slightly contradicting yourself.

    21/12/2012 may not be a significant date (prior to if 2012 actually happens) but every event that's ever happened had to happen at a date, significant or not. (prior to the event)

    Or if you believe that it is a significant date due to the amazing amount of 12/21s, and is therefore not going to happen because it's so coincidental, did you ever think about other major coincidences? For example, 9/11 is a type of car, the number for emergency services in America AND the American date for the terrorist attack.

    I don't personally believe in 2012, but alot of people dismiss such arguments without even thinking about them.

    Also, the London Olympics are happening in 2012 (which everyone has forgot about) so the world might as well end then.
  7. Belly391

    Belly391 Ancient
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    the world cant end in 2012 because Busted have been to the year 3000!!!

    all jokes aside, i can agree with what people are saying above, scientists and other people across the globe have predicted the world will end and such and such a date but it never has. like in 2009 last year, some scientists some (i cant remember the details) tried to recreate a blackhole and that if one calculation was off, it would suck the earth in and end the world. thankfully i didnt happen (you wouldnt want to be in a black hole). were also over due for the eruption of yellow stone which is a super volcano and when if that erupts, not only might it blow half of the USA to hell, but it would send thousands of tonnes of ash and rock into the atmosphere and blot out the sun. when will the world end, i guess we'll just have to wait and see...
    #327 Belly391, Jan 21, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2010
  8. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Ancient
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    I think its funny, its something for people to debate about.
    Make money off of and such.
    It sounds like a plan to "perfect" and well to thought out on how they say its going to end.
    You know what? **** the theories, they mayans or what ever say the calendar expires 2012, well what they didn't realize, that's their calendar, not ours.
    It may not seem like it, but our earth is actually still very healthy, most things are unlikely to happen. And when something happens, something happens. We cant stop it.
    Look how much the government and scientist have lied to us.
    We just found out recently that global warming was fake?

    Over all its something the government and retards can make money off of until the day pass's over and everyone realizes it was a lie.
  9. shockwavekp44

    shockwavekp44 Ancient
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    This most likely is not true.

    Think the world doesnt end in 2012. Think how the makers of the movie 2012 will feel. I bet if the world does not end in 2012 people would buy the movie to laugh at it.

    I think that the Mayans either stopped making the calander or countinued it somewhere else we have not found yet or was buried.
  10. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It is impossible for the world to "end". all organic life may be wiped out, yes... but the world will go on unless it gets either sucked in by a blackhole or sucked into the sun when it grows.

    In theory even then the earth cannot end because matter cannot be destroyed completely, there will always be something left.

    I personally dont beleive in the 2012 bull, because frankly we went through somehing like this with Y2k and guess what? were still around and everything is fine. It was just a scare and its logical that people will expect the "end of the world" and will come up with excuses to say that the world will end. when in all reality they are just coincidental dates... think about it, i bet the christians went crazy when it was year 666, they probably thought the apocalypse was coming. Did it? no, we're obviously still here.
  11. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
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    Thats true, RC, but the idea of the world ending at 2000 was caused more conspiracy theorists than it was facts and predictions. There will always be crazy people who start spreading rumors, and stupid people who continue to spread those rumors. The 2012 theory has a bit more backing it up.

    If that's so, I'd really like evidence. I havn't heard anything except for the 21st of December.
    #331 Rorak Kuroda, Jan 21, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2010
  12. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
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    Both sides of 2012 have good evidence but I personally hope that 2012 will happen because it would (by killing all the humans) open up endless possibilitys for new life(maybe intelligent) that wouldn't be as destructive as us. We kill everything in our parth (trees, plants, animals ect) and where even working on stopping life from living on earth ever again with global warming and war. Think of it this way, if the dinosaurs didn't die we wouldn't be here..... Our death would be for the greater good!
  13. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    "I personally hope that 2012 will happen"
    you want to die? what?

    "it would (by killing all the humans) open up endless possibilitys for new life(maybe intelligent) that wouldn't be as destructive as us."
    okay we're destructive, but we need to be to live. 2012 happening would END THE WORLD. you know, that thing you apparently care so much about in your argument.

    "We kill everything in our parth (trees, plants, animals ect) and where even working on stopping life from living on earth ever again with global warming and war."
    uhh... so would 2012?

    "Think of it this way, if the dinosaurs didn't die we wouldn't be here....."
    are you saying the dinosaurs were more destructive than us? i'm confused as to how this clears what you're trying to say.

    " Our death would be for the greater good!"
    you know, since you think people are such an abomination to the greater good, you can start making the world a better place by killing yourself. i'm not telling you to kill yourself because i think you should, but because YOU think you should.

    I don't know about you, but i sure as hell do not want to die, and i definitely don't want other people to die.
  14. El Diablo

    El Diablo Ancient
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    You need some psychiatric help. I'm being totally serious, not just elaborately calling you a crazy. If you really think that humans are evil and everyone should die, not only do you need to learn about the world, but you need some help.
  15. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
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    Well 2012 would kill other things but after a few 100 years some could repopulate but as for us! In the end everything would be better off. No the dinosaurs were no where near more destructive... They did what they had to. But I'm saying if they didn't die they would have stopped us from ever evolving and we are doing the same to other things. We have extinct many things in the short time we have been here.
    You say we do what we need to?
    The study, by 1,360 experts in 95 nations, said a rising human population had polluted or over-exploited two-thirds of the ecological systems on which life depends, ranging from clean air to fresh water, in the past 50 years.
    "At the heart of this assessment is a stark warning," said the 45-member board of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment.
    "Human activity is putting such strain on the natural functions of Earth that the ability of the planet's ecosystems to sustain future generations can no longer be taken for granted," it said.
    Ten to 30 percent of mammal, bird and amphibian species were already threatened with extinction, according to the assessment, the biggest review of the planet's life support systems.
    "Over the past 50 years, humans have changed ecosystems more rapidly and extensively than in any comparable time in human history, largely to meet rapidly growing demands for food, fresh water, timber, fibre and fuel," the report said.
    "This has resulted in a substantial and largely irreversible loss in the diversity of life on earth," it added. More land was changed to cropland since 1945, for instance, than in the 18th and 19th centuries combined.
    "The harmful consequences of this degradation could grow significantly worse in the next 50 years," it said. The report was compiled by experts, including from UN agencies and international scientific and development organisations.
    UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan said the study "shows how human activities are causing environmental damage on a massive scale throughout the world, and how biodiversity -- the very basis for life on earth -- is declining at an alarming rate."
    The report said there was evidence that strains on nature could trigger abrupt changes like the collapse of cod fisheries off Newfoundland in Canada in 1992 after years of over-fishing.
    Future changes could bring sudden outbreaks of disease. Warming of the Great Lakes in Africa due to climate change, for instance, could create conditions for a spread of cholera.
    And a build-up of nitrogen from fertilisers washed off farmland into seas could spur abrupt blooms of algae that choke fish or create oxygen-depleted "dead zones" along coasts.
    It said deforestation often led to less rainfall. And at some point, lack of rain could suddenly undermine growing conditions for remaining forests in a region.
    "We're seeing an increasing risk of abrupt changes in many ecosystems," Walt Reid, executive director of the assessment, told Reuters.
    The report said that in 100 years, global warming widely blamed on burning of fossil fuels in cars, factories and power plants, might take over as the main source of damage. World Environment News - Human Damage To Earth Worsening Fast - Report - Planet Ark
    And also think of what war is doing and all this useless stuff where killing things for (alcohol, smokes, hair dye, cars, fly spray and the list goes on).
    Even if you want to live, if you can't see our death as good then you are just selfish.
    You need to learn to be open minded and less selfish... And also about the world! And I only think humans should die not everything. Your the one with the problem not me.
    #335 Turkey bag56, Jan 24, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2010
  16. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
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    Honestly, why should humans be eradicated? all thats happened with us was survival of the fittest, sure we dont need everything we have but that sure as hell doesnt justify killing off our entire species in an "apocalypse"

    And if this does go through, then I'll be pissed, why did every other generation get to live their full natural lifetime but I will only get to live into my early 20's, how is that justified? If the end truely is nigh, then I hope that its just a zombie outbreak... I can handle that, if I die i'm going down with a fight.
    #336 Aschur, Jan 24, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2010
  17. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
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    You have a good point but my point is more that humans are getting worse and if we don't turn around now we will end up eradicating ourself. 2012 just helps people understand that the world isn't indestructible and can't be taken for granted.
  18. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    We've got enough technology in this day of age to tell if a comet, meteor, or just about anything is going to hit our planet in 2012. So I don't think it's gonna be anything that serious. Global warming honestly sounds dumb to me, no offence to anybody who believes in global warming. And small things like over-population, running out of trees or other resources just sound stupid to me. Quit having so much damn sex, maybe cut down on the funding allowing people to live to be over 100 years old, and look out your window! There's so many trees out there, it's insane! I went skiing today, and while riding up the lift, me and my cousin looked behind us, and saw about a billion trees. I mean, come on! If you're gonna find a limited resource to complain about, then complain about oil or something. But then again, by the time we run out of oil, we will have already found like ten substitutes...

    Sorry if I did the whole debate thing wrong, but this specific topic sounds stupid to me. Or maybe it's just the fact that I'm only 15...
  19. Turkey bag56

    Turkey bag56 Ancient
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    Things happening to the earth itself cannot be stoped, If we run out of trees/plants we die and lastly, Venus is 807 degrees Fahrenheit (470 degrees Celsius) and it's atmosphere is fulled with the stuff where putting into ours! (Global warming is very serous)

    2012 isn't only thought of as a meteor killing us, there our other things too. :O
    #339 Turkey bag56, Jan 24, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2010
  20. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    Actually, the potion of the sky being monitored for meteors is minuscule, at best. But you know who else couldn't tell whether an asteroid would hit earth in 2012? The Mayans.

    What the **** is wrong with you people?

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