elder scrolls had it the last 2 games, why wouldn't they have it this time? i mean battlefield has great graphics but skyrim has over 3 trillion hours of gameplay.
Game of the Year: I want to say Portal 2 or Dead Space 2. But Battlefield 3 looks like its going to win. Best Multiplayer: What...? No Portal 2 coop option? WTF?! I have to say Crysis 2 though. Best Shooter: BF3. No brainer.
Repetitious game play. Playing it on PC? Then cool, you have the option to mod the game to kingdom come, on any other platform the Bethesda games are too god damn boring.
how are oblivion and fallout boring and repetitive? theres plenty of unique and diverse quests and quest lines, as well as many ways to play the game. id say theyre much less repetitive than most other games.
I'm liking the results of the voting so far. Skyrim and Battlefield are doing great. CoD's got zero, which makes me happy. I wonder why Bioshock won so many awards at E3 and hasn't got any votes here. Hmm.
I'm assuming nobody is voting for it here because we all know it isn't actually releasing until 2012.
I love how everyone thinks that the shitty hype-machine that is CoD will NOT take half of the awards. Just because it is the conclusion to the trilogy. You are all so optimistic. In truth, I bet my left arm on Skyrim winning overall, and some combo of BF3 and MW2 taking the rest. Unless the new bioshock does something unprecedented, I see very little chance of something else happening.
Right I keep forgetting. I wish Far Cry 3 would release this year instead of next. I was actually playing FC Instincts / Predator earlier today, I like that one so much more than FC2. FC3 looks very promising.
I gave up on CoD after MW2. It was a fresh entry to the series, but the rest of the games are all basically the same. To me, anyway. I admit that when I go over to a mates place Ill have a few games online, but I can only take so much of it. It doesnt interest me to pay for the same game again.