What's on sale all week long(November 23rd to November 29th), including the usual deal of the week(Hasbro games this week). Source Spoiler GAMES ADD-ONS Splinter Cell Conviction Deniable Ops: Insurgency Regular Price: 800 Discount Price: 400 Savings: 50% Alan Wake The Signal Regular Price: 560 Discount Price: 320 Savings: 43% Trials HD The Big Pack Regular Price: 400 Discount Price: 240 Savings: 40% Rock Band 3 - Lady Gaga Pack 01 Regular Price: 560 Discount Price: 280 Savings: 50% Rock Band 3 - Nirvana Pack 01 Regular Price: 880 Discount Price: 640 Savings: 27% Rock Band 3 - Nirvana Pack 02 Regular Price: 440 Discount Price: 240 Savings: 45% GAMES Monkey Island: Special Edition Regular Price: 800 Discount Price: 400 Savings: 50% Monkey Island 2 Regular Price: 800 Discount Price: 400 Savings: 50% Puzzle Quest 2 Regular Price: 1200 Discount Price: 800 Savings: 33% Serious Sam TSE Regular Price: 1200 Discount Price: 600 Savings: 50% Zombie Apocalypse Regular Price: 800 Discount Price: 400 Savings: 50% Portal: Still Alive Regular Price: 1200 Discount Price: 400 Savings: 67% VooDoo Dice Regular Price: 800 Discount Price: 400 Savings: 50% Mega Man 10 Regular Price: 800 Discount Price: 400 Savings: 50% Magic the Gathering Regular Price: 800 Discount Price: 400 Savings: 50% Madden NFL Arcade Regular Price: 800 Discount Price: 400 Savings: 50% AVATAR Secret of Monkey Island - Cotton Swab Regular Price: 160 Discount Price: 80 Savings: 50% Fantasy Pets - Red Dragon Regular Price: 240 Discount Price: 120 Savings: 50% Lara Croft - Xolotl Mask Regular Price: 160 Discount Price: 80 Savings: 50% Modern Warfare 2 - Gas Mask Regular Price: 240 Discount Price: 120 Savings: 50% Gears 3 - COG ArmorRegular Price: 320 Discount Price: 160 Savings: 50% Street Fighter – Dudley Outfit Regular Price: 320 Discount Price: 160 Savings: 50% Street Fighter - Chun Li Outfit Regular Price: 320 Discount Price: 160 Savings: 50% Diesel Matic 8B3 Jeans Regular Price: 160 Discount Price: 80 Savings: 50% Diesel Viker 8A7 Jeans Regular Price: 160 Discount Price: 80 Savings: 50% Quicksilver Fuze Flannel Shirt Regular Price: 160 Discount Price: 80 Savings: 50% Roxy Enough Said Woven Shirt Regular Price: 160 Discount Price: 80 Savings: 50% Video Content (US Only) Cats and Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore Regular Price: 1200 Discount Price: 720 Savings: 40% Clash of the Titans Regular Price: 1200 Discount Price: 720 Savings: 40% Cop Out Regular Price: 1200 Discount Price: 720 Savings: 40% The Losers Regular Price: 1200 Discount Price: 720 Savings: 40% Sex and the City 2 Regular Price: 1200 Discount Price: 720 Savings: 40% 300 Regular Price: 800 Discount Price: 380 Savings: 53% Batman: Gotham Knight Regular Price: 800 Discount Price: 380 Savings: 53% Goodfellas Regular Price: 800 Discount Price: 380 Savings: 53% Michael Clayton Regular Price: 800 Discount Price: 380 Savings: 53% P.S. I Love You Regular Price: 800 Discount Price: 380 Savings: 53% RocknRolla Regular Price: 800 Discount Price: 380 Savings: 53% Twister Regular Price: 800 Discount Price: 380 Savings: 53% Unforgiven Regular Price: 800 Discount Price: 380 Savings: 53% Black Friday Only Deals Source Spoiler Xbox Live Arcade Madden NFL Arcade (400 Microsoft Points) The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition (400 MSP) 'Splosion Man (160 MSP) Trials HD (400 MSP) Portal: Still Alive (400 MSP) Xbox Originals Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (400 MSP) Halo: Combat Evolved (400 MSP) Zune movies 300 (380 MSP) Cats and Dogs 2: The Revenge of Kitty Galore (720 MSP) Clash of the Titans (720 MSP) Sex and the City 2 (720 MSP) I got and am planning to get the Trials HD pack, Portal: Still Alive, Halo CE, and GTA: San Andreas. If I want Halo and GTA I will need to go pick up a Microsoft card but I doubt I will do it. Any one interested in getting any thing?
I might get Halo just because I only have it for PC, but I'm kinda skeptical about buying the same game twice for obvious reasons, lol. Otherwise, nothing really catches my interest.
Gettin splosion man, and then waiting for the 30th to get the noble map pack, then deciding what I will do with the remaining 640 msp. Maybe serious sam... idk btw, only have 1600 msp right now.
TRIALS HD DLC (doesn't matter, though that the new DLC was getting released this week...)! Woot! I'll be getting that, and I might get GTA:SA.
Halo CE definitely. I already have orange box, trials hd, and splosion man, and I don't really care for GTA...
Re: Black Friday 2010 Dear i want to inform you about the Walmart and Sears Black Friday 2010 HDTV Deals. Walmart stores open their doors at 12 midnight, when Thanksgiving Day ends while other doorbuster sales will be available from 5:00 am. to 11:00 am. on the day of Black Friday, November 26. The Black Friday 2010 deals from Walmart include Sansui 19" HDLCD19WB 720p 60HZ LCD HDTV for under $100. Whereas Black Friday 2010 Ads of Walmart has Sanyo 50" DP50710 720P 600HZ Plasma HDTV for $498. Fidn out more on>> Black Friday 2010 Black Friday 2010 Sales
Advertising Walmart, I'm speechless... Xbox Canada got extra Black Friday deals, TMNT: Turtles in Time Reshelled and Greed Corp, both for 160msp. I told myself I wasn't gonna get TMNT when it came out for ten bucks, but for two dollars, I guess I can't go wrong. It's also a good back up if my SNES copy would ever brake for some reason.
Sorry speed-e-cake, but i got those too, and i live in good ol 'merica in fact today i bought Trials HD, Greed Corp, and Splosion man, all for under 800 points. But now I get to wait til the 30th for the noble map pack.