IT MAKES ME EMOTIONAL IN A MANLY WAY!! But srsly you had nice editing, subtle effects and good music. Well done mate! Quick question on topic: - What capture card and how much?
PVR - $200 (give or take depending on where you buy). OT: Glad you enjoyed it. I like this one alot. Even though it was relatively simple
Pff, getting off six hours ago my ass. Did you sleep that fast? Unrelated note, this film is pretty legit. Apparently my brain is a boss because I thought the subtle blurring around the elite was overdone >
I need to start posting these on other sites. I don't have toooo many subs. I want to get to be a bigger channel then we are.
I subbed. Nice little edit you have. Check out my channel too if you don't mind. YouTube - Short Halo 3 trick jumping film‏ If you ever want something to edit let me know. By the way, I'm not sure I knew you were into jumping at all unless I'm just not remembering correctly. Pretty cool though.