Gears of War 2, Rock Band 2, ENOUGH SAID!!! Those games are gonna be epic and I'm so excited to get them!! SW:Force Unleashed(couldn't put SW:FU lol...) is gonna be pretty tight as well
im def gonna get fallout and gears, and either rock band or guitar hero. but the others i don't particularly care for, except possibly farcry.
yes there are pretty great games coming out, which just annoys me so, the main reason is because there are hardly any games, or at least good ones, out all year but now loads come out, look at everyone's list there are at least 5, im lucky and rich so i might be able to get all the ones i want but think for a moment. What i do know is 2009 is going to be a good year games just keep on getting better, i wished for a coop zombie game and god gave me 2 great ones, left 4 dead and the famous resident evil 5. i know im going to have fun, and gow 2 looks fun and epic off the scale.
Its the best game ever?Or its game play is magnificent, or the campaign and graphics are stunning?I don't know you pick.
I just see another fps with the same ol' ALIENS ATTACKING KILL THEM story, and graphics that all blend in with each other.
I don't freakin blame you. Everyone of those games looks immensely awesome. I think I am going to get Rock Band 2 now because of the 500+ tracks.
I can't believe it took somone till the 3rd comment to even mention this game. What person in this world Star Wars fan or not doesn't want to be Vader's secret apprentice and **** **** up? honestly if you don't you're a douche-bag lol