$20,000,000 to get me to drink beer, watch tv, eat Doritos, buy a Hyundai, and use GoDaddy. I understand that this is is just a part of our economic system, but think about it. How did this happen? How did we reach this point? Why do we accept this without a second thought?
I don't see what the problem is. Every person in the United States watches the Super Bowl, so the commercials are going to get a lot of viewers. If companys can afford to put their commercials in, then why can't they?
Because that money could be put to a better quality product, or maybe relief for Haiti, or something other than 30 second commercials. Point is, it's a ridiculous amount of money for plugs and shameless product placement.
Its the TV company that sets the price, and is up to the other company whether or not to advertise their product and spend that money. The TV company that sold that time slot has the freedom to do what they want with the money, likely to the shows that are sponsored by that TV company. Its like saying the money you spent on your Bentley must go help Haiti, not to what ever it is the Bentley company wants to do with it. (hypothetically, of course)
I know it's the tv companies who set the price, but I'm saying that the 3rd parties don't have to pay. They can use 2mil on multiple radio commercials and internet advertisements, instead of one big commercial playing during a primetime moment. Those commercials are likely to be more effective to a majority of the common company's demographic compared to an over-produced, star-studded, almost gimmicky commercial. Of course this is my opinion, not all fact.
I understand that companies are free to do what they want, but it doesn't mean that what they do is right.
See, you either spend that much money on the commercial or you don't. What happens when you DO spend on the commercial, you make 2, 5, 10, 20 times that much money. That is why it is done. It is all about name recognition.
It shows you must have a good product to people if you can afford to put your name in the super bowl. That's how I see it, but I don't agree with it either.
Whose to say that $20 million doesn't make the company $200 million in which $40 million goes to greater causes?
Hey guess what? A large and I mean ginourmus chunk of TV stations revanue comes from Adds. That's right, adds.
My god yes that was awesome! Do you know the difference between adds and ads? I understand that this how the system works, but that doesn't mean that it looks good to a fresh observer.