you could probably replace the grenage hole with a fence wall so they could simply shoot the fusion coils. i might make a map with this in it and i will definately give you credit for the elevator.
good idea, i agree. maybe some sort of infection where the humans are at the top and the zombies suddenly get up the elevator and scare the sh"t outta them.. keeo ideas coming!
Ya that would be awesome, this would be very fun if it was used in a map, thank you for thinking of this spectacular idea on how to have a 2 way elevator, this would also be very fun on infection and only one human starts at the top floor and the only way he can help his friends is to bring the elevator up before they get infected, really nice map. 5/5
Theoretically I suppose it could, using more grav lifts, but it would almost double the complexity and cost of the entire system.... :S
hey dthen....imma post it on h3artificer, but i remade goatsnuts' elevator, and added it with two levels, so you can control which level you want (ps, it uses the grav lift through the crate thing in my other thread)
Interesting set out, great the way you opened it up so we can see the works , overall amazing invention, keep it up! 5/5
Awesome elevator, I haven't really seen many good two way elevators. You should put this in a cool CTF variant now. Good thing that it works over and over. Nice job buddy.
Thanks, I think other people should make a ctf variant with it, as I am working on something myself at the moment...
this elevator is one of the better ones ive seen, i would have never thought to use the powerup to hold a fusion coil, that was clever. nice work 5/5
Crikey! I've got competition... The major flaw I see in this is that the elevator automatically goes back up in 10 seconds. But at least you went ahead and actually made a working two way elevator. Way to go dude!
It works by going back up... The idea is you call it down and then you use it to get up. I understand what you are saying but It's essential to the elevators working.
awesome ive been trying to get my hands on a 2 way elevator that i accually understood how it works for a long time