text would be sweet, but i like em anyways. good view of each and the colors work. im guessing it wasnt too hard to make them.
First one looks like a random c4d and it no working imo, second is good but the weird swirl above gun is annoying.
They both look good. The render in the first one is hard to see. I don't know if that is because of the person who rendered it or if the resolution of the render is low. I'm trying to say that the render's quality is kinda bad. The second one is also nice, but the swirls see out of place. I also agree that simplicity is very beautiful when executed correctly.
1st one - I over sharpened it, which make it look bad [quality wise] 2nd - I see the swirls, they were originally just simple dots, but i smudged them, a little to much. [edit] Do i execute my sigs correctly?
Yes. You made simple beautiful and you make complex beautiful too. It's hard for you to screw up. Too bad I can't say that for everyone.
These are really good. I like the Army of Two one the most. There really cool, But what is the second one? I don't think I have ever played that game before. (If there IS a game that is.)
Its Crysis for the PC. The Army of Two one is ok but the Crysis sig is my favourite. I agree with Haseo though, that swirl is distracting
I have never seen an army of two sig .. Or is it just me? But they look great and i love the Simple = Epic thing you said .. But i personally think the background looks hard to do .. But im not suree !
I don't really think either of them have very much effects but they have great lighting and the second one has a nice color scheme, not a big fan so like 4/10 for me sorry man I have seen better from you .
Crysis, it's for PC, but you gotta have a hella good pc to run it. Nice sigs lock! You have a style I always seem drawn to, something about them just gives them realism that lacks in many sigs. Also I wish you did Rios instead of Salem (personal preference, lol)
Salem is dumb lol. Rios is also my favourite when I owned the game, it was way too easy to beat though... Anyways back on topic nubs.