Well for this first one, i copied hells, and i think it turned out pretty sexay. Then, i made a sig for my friend, nothing special, just some color editing, and c4ds. CnCplox. Am i getting better?
The first is good, but the render needs some blending. Second is OK, but there should be more of the clipping masks. To drown out the other band members and leave you with one focal. But, overall, good job dude. Mine is still a better style to style rendition of Hells. (IMO)
You mean your current one? If so, i'd have to say no. Its to bright to even resemble his. I like it though.
Pretty close to mine, but this is pretty sweet anyways, just fix the lighting and blend teh render more, also make the text a bit smaller, and yeah you are getting beter.
Yeah, i have been trying out a lot of styles, because there was like 2 weeks when i wasn't making sigs,, because i was doing the graphic design for a "Site" so now i'm trying to get into making sigs. Oh yeah, i remember that. The c4ds are a lot different. It looks way more like some of zerosuns work, just a little bit.
Yeah, a site you stole Journalist from me on! lol Well, I was talking to Hells online and he sort of walked me through it. So, I had more help, I guess.....
What i did was just wrangle up some c4ds, and placed them all around the focal, then set them to dodge, or lighten etc. Then just added lighting [dark/light] to focal areas, and slap some text on. I did it all by my self lol. You know hot to spam! Good job!
Well, for photoshop. He told me to set them on Lighten, though thats not what I did. Thats how he uses C4Ds though.
Yeah, dodge is good for colored backgrounds, and lighten is better for dark background imo. But photoshop is prob different
Hes LYING! Shhhhhh Smeagle don't tell them lol. Well yeah I do set them to lighten it gives it this really cool effect, hard to describe, I am trying to get my smudging better now.
Hurray for smudging. I really like the first one, but like Core said, it does need some blending. It sticks out alot. Other than that I like it.