2 Faced Baby Born in India A very special girl was born last March in a small suburb of Delhi, India.She was born with 4 eyes, 2 noses, 2 mouths, 2 ears, and 1 dimple on a shared cheek. Similar to Lakshmi Tatma, a 2 year-old girl born with four arms and four legs, she is reverred as a reincarnated god by her local villagers, who sing and dance regularly for her. “I had never seen something like this in my life so naturally I was a little scared when I first saw her,” her father was quoted as saying. The young girl and her mother are both healthy and the family has no intentions of seeking surgery to correct the deformities. “The doctor said everything is normal when she was born. So where’s the need to get medical help?” said the child’s father. “She’s fed through one mouth and sucks her thumb with the other. We use whichever mouth is free to feed her.”source site
Another great story reyn =] This is pretty freaky .. She is so gonna get bullied when she grows up =]
This is just wrong, very wrong. But you know what, god probably wanted to make something like this, maybe he was in a bad mood?
Harvey Dents Child. Jk. Anyway, didn't it say they worship her like a god? and can she see out of all 4 eyes?
i wonder if they're all wrong and its two babies conjoined so much that it looks like one and they all find out when the child(ren) can speak
Yeah, I saw this a while ago in a newspaper and it said that she could use both mouths, noses, and all four eyes. Also, they are worshipping her as a god. Its weird that every time a baby is born with deformities in India that they worship him/her as a god.
That's rather bizzarre. Yeah, to me it looks like said child might actually be two children conjoined as one. But we'll just have to wait and see how the kid behaves when it gets older. Hopefully this strange deformity doesn't make life too difficult for her.
Now for just a regular baby with 4 arms and that odd birth defect that causes a defecient amount in hemoglobin making the skin blue..... ITS A HINDU GOD!!!
creeeepy. but actually i am really proud of the dad and what he said. “The doctor said everything is normal when she was born. So where’s the need to get medical help?” thats really cool, everything is about looking just like everyone else. here's a child who's completely different. if she was born that way, why change it? idk, its just really noble to me :]
Except in their country she is being treated as a reincarnated god because of the way she is. Here in Australia or America she would just be considered a freak, not a god.
but thats what beautiful. that someone like her can be treated the way she is. like ****ing royalty. maybe she isn't a reincarnated god, but imagine how she would be treated here....which is ****ed up.
True, I'm just saying the father might by thinking a little less innocently then you might be thinking. I mean his family would be getting tones of attention, probably "donations", respect and admiration, all because of his mutated child that these people believe to be a reincarnated god. But anyway, it's good for her. Dunno about how pure you might think the father is though.
it kinda looks photoshopped...but with all the hub bub about it and radiation and stuff...who knows...maybe spidermans gunna be real next year....