2 Blind

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Sotha Sil156, Dec 7, 2008.


Read the post before answering the poll.

  1. It look better than the original.

    3 vote(s)
  2. I looks worse than the original.

    0 vote(s)
  3. Custom powerups should be put in the base.

    0 vote(s)
  4. Shield doors should be put in the base.

    1 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    2 Blind

    See Blind to understand what I am talking about.

    After my first post's failure do to it's complexity,
    and since that map's version two will be a VIP game, I have created a new, simplified map of Blind that is meant to simplify the gameplay, ease confusion, add ascetics, and overall, make the game more fun.
    To do this, I rebuilt the entire map from ground up.


    The humans spawn with battle rifles (probably) and zombies (in what I am showing you, not the final version, as the humans will actually be able to see through the wall) have way points. Everything else is the same as the original Blind.

    I might make it so that the staircases in the human base are straight instead of V-shaped and line up with the teleporter line so the humans can see better and the zombies won't be as confused about how to enter the base.

    I might remove all of the receiver nodes in the base except the two on the staircases and place custom powerups on them that make the zombies invulnerable when they enter the base. The custom powerups would function the same as the shield doors in the original. Or, I could just put shield doors in the base like I did in the original.


    The zombie spawn with better ascetics to fit the theme of the human base.

    The hallway and outside of the human base with better ascetics and interlocking. Note that the hallway is wider and longer than it was in the original.

    The human base (roofless).

    An inside view of the human base. Note that the base is a lot smaller than the original.
    I could either place shield doors in it, like the original to prevent camping, or remove all of the teleporters except the two on the stair cases and make the zombies invulnerable when they enter the human base.

    This is the new blinding wall that doesn't hurt your eyes. The problem with using staircases though is that, when looking at enemies, the reticle doesn't turn red.

    This is a closer view of the wall. This is one reason why I would turn the staircases: It is too hard to see the zombies, and when testing it, I had to turn way points on for the humans to have a chance at survival.

    This is the window between the two staircases (the invisible part of them). You can't shoot or walk through it. I didn't interlock the staircases to get rid of it because the middle part of the staircases themselves would then block bullets.

    A closer view of the window between the stair cases. You can see the entire hallway and any sneaky zombies from it.

    This is the line of underground teleporters that the zombies take to enter the base. This is the second reason why I would rotate the stair cases: to get rid of the gap between the teleporter line and the base that would potentially confuse zombies.

    This is the line of underground teleporters from under the map.

    One half of the base with the sender nodes and their paired receivers. You can see the previously mentioned gap between the teleporters and the base here.

    The other half of the base with sender nodes and their paired receivers.

    After 30 seconds, the custom power ups (speed 100%) spawn to help the zombies get to the base. These would not be here if I placed them in the human base to make the zombies invincible when they enter it.

    After 45 seconds an active camo spawns to help the zombies reach the base.

    What do you think?

    I'm open for suggestions.

    - 12-14-2008 - Fixed staircases
    #1 Sotha Sil156, Dec 7, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2008
  2. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    Wait, you have geomerged teleporters that you can't see but that still work?
  3. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    Yes, they are sender nodes that are sideways with the glowing part pointing down. I will post a picture of them soon.
  4. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    That is epic. How did you geomerge them? I've been looking for a good way to geomerge teleporters.
  5. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    Sorry if my terminology isn't very good.
    I tapped the sender node's bottom half below the map, so that only to top was still above it. After that, I interlocked a single box into the top part of the teleporter and went under the map myself. Once under, I picked up the teleporter's bottom half and the box pushed the top part through the ground.
  6. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Hey this looks pretty cool but you have it posted in the wrong section, I can understand how these kinds of mistakes happen. I will get a mod to have this moved for you.
  7. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    This is only if you you think this should be in the finished map section:
    I posted this here because it isn't a finished map, because we are discussing which aspects of its forging would better serve the gameplay. I have yet to fix the staircases that make the wall, fix the teleporter camping problem, or test this map nearly enough to post it as a finished map.That is also why I didn't include a download link.
    Or do you want it put in the TRC Guild?
    #7 Sotha Sil156, Dec 7, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2008
  8. Whisper

    Whisper Ancient
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    No, this is fine. I think that eguitar thought this was a map thread, and not a discussion thread.
  9. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    My teleporter geomerging technique was a lot simpler than you thought it would be, right?

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