Halo 2 had it. They had a combination of options that could make a gametype where 2 people were alive, and everyone else in the game would be dead, watching the 2 alive people duke it out. So if this game were to have 10 people, 2 people were alive and fighting eachother while the other 8 people were sitting, watching the fight. Once someone would die, another would spawn to fight the victor, and so on and so forth. I didn't really ask around about this during Halo 3's reign, but does anyone have any clue as to how I would make this work in Reach?
I don't believe this is possible anymore. I think that in Halo 3 someone created a gametype where it would be a 1v1 for one round and only random people would spawn in a location that would allow them to fight, the others would spawn in locations that allowed them to only watch. This meant that the highest score, in theory, could only reach ten (unless score multipliers were edited).
As I sit and try and come up with some manner or combination of doors, teleporters, killzones, respawns, or something of the like... I honestly can't thinkof anything that would allow that at the moment.
I don't think this is possible, but it reminds me of a Halo 3 tournamen map that I played, where there were 4 sections, 2 people spawned in each, so 8 to start. they would kill each other off in the first round, so down to 4. Stairs would spawn so you could walk over to one other section, and duke it out with one other person, so down to 2. Then the final stairs would spawn, and the final fight would commence. That might make it into one of my future projects.
Just thought up a way to accomplish this, its not pretty but it should work pretty well, set up your slayer gametype as usual. Then add how many rounds you would like and set it to 1 LIFE PER ROUND. Now add a box or something somewhere on your map out of site, (if your using forgeworld i imagine this wont be too hard) Add some spawn points to this box then place a respawn zone anti over the top. Then add a box shaped killzone to the box so that if you spawn there, you die. Now for the other 2 players.. Add 2 spawn points into your map where you like, and then add a respawn zone on top of each spawn point. As players spawn the 2 in the map will live and the ones in the box will not, a quick hit of the dpad will allow them to spectate. EDIT: THERE IS A PROBLEM WITH THIS METHOD. You will have to use initial spawn points not respawn points as i incirrectly stated and the two players will have only one life. : \ However, i don't see another way round it without building spectator boxes above the map which would suck. The 3 respawn zones (2 regular and 1 anti) are very important as they stop 1 or no people spawning in the map and the rest dead. I havent been able to test it but im sure it will work. good luck MINI LODI
I remember this map too. I only got to play on it a handful of times before it disappeared forever. One of my current projects is to recreate this particular map.
Sweet, although I'm going to do a project based off of this, I think I will try not for a recreation, but try to improve upon the way the gameplay of the map was created. The map that i have from Halo 3 is called "TORNAMINT V3" on foundry. (holy crap H3 controls are so foreign now)