I've recently gotten Modern Warfare 2, and lost almost all of my individual skill in halo. Im practically playing halo as a run 'n gun, And my Battle Rifle is wack. So I thought, "Hey! Forgehub is a wonderful community with some pretty good players, They can help me get back into my halo groove." And thats basically the point of this thread. Im not great, Im sure I'll get beaten up a bit. But thats exactly why im doing this. I plan to keep doing this, just because there is always room for improvement. Just post your Gamertag or add mine, And maybe what map you would prefer to play. Make-shift FAQ: GT: Doniiiii (five i's)
I played with a friend who had been playing MW2 since it came out, and when we played Halo he asked: "Wheres the sprint button?".
Send me a message or FR. GT: WTFItsBlaze I'm always up for MLG 1v1s. Any MLG maps are fine with me, as well as, MLG Ons slayer, Lockdown, (And\or custom made) MLG citadel, MLG assembly and MLG blackout.
SuperBen1234 I'll play mlg maps if you want, just try to emphasize on BR and snipes cause those are the weapons people use most of the time.
You have yet to add me, I was just seeing what was up. Also, I give lessons, so if you need anything such as, Jumps, nades, strafes, timings, spawns and other useful tricks, be sure to let me know.
I haven't been online really. Only leveling up my friend irl. And nay on the lessons, I can strafe and stuff.