the thing is with an arena map where the opponent spawns in either one of the 'hallways', your opponent knows where you're going to be and could encourage spawn killing. Then again i could be wrong - sorry if i am. The arena itself is quite good and you wouldn't be able to escape. And you can't make disappear, you can make them appear though - it kinda sucks lol
Yeah, you can change what weapons spawn on the map. If you want a BR battle type thing you could set weapons on map to BRs
i made one like this but there is two fighting rings and the door is a hole in the floor and the winners of each one fights each other good job 5/5
very great idea, just how does the audience get to play? Is there a timer? also, what happens if the same two spawn in the boxes again or people in the 'audience' always stay in the audience? those are just questions i thought of, but i really like the idea and give you +rep for that, will be q-ing or whatever people say on these forums thebeastlyboy15
Question 1: There is ten rounds and each kill ends the round. Question 2: The players are chosen at random, so the chances of the same two respawning every round is very slim. The dumpsters don't go away, they just go up into a little area.