kk. Cant go on till tomorow. wea i live its 10pm atm and i tired so i gonna go. l8erz. ill play wit u sum time. u gota sho me.
You always find you way out maps, dont you? People, if you ever want to make an impenetrable map, invite this guy. No matter what he's always found a way out of almost all maps.
What is this? Double post heaven? At forge Hub double posting is not aloud, please edit your previous post. The second one looks nice I give it a DL.
yeah if ur last one was going to b a regular game i was a little confused, cuz it's just an empty open box... in the air and please, this is not the placee to set up match times or friend requests, we have private messages for that
Hey good job on the maps, they looks nice, two things ive noticed though are that on cryptoplasm the double boxes could be a little bit neater, also, it looks kind of uninteresting and unoriginal, but looks like it was put together well though!
This whole thread is a bit suspicious... We have brand new accounts double posting on this thread, their first posts being on this thread, and each of the accounts have the same spelling mistakes. Especially with the fact that it has gotten 3 pages of comments in less than one day. I certainly hope you are not just making accounts in order to bump your maps. This is the type of thing I would only expect to see in the Bungie forums... Commenting on the maps, the first two look great, and for the third I think you could interlock those boxes and get a smoother surface because it is a relatively small playing surface anyways.
Super Trooper88, The only person I know that has posted in this thread is Yuross; apart from that I do not know anyone else. But I hope you D/L this.
Super trooper is right, one of the mods need to check and make sure this guy isn't creating a bunch of new accounts with the same IP address. That is what I'm gathering by reading the comments, every time this thread starts to fall a new user registers just to bump it, Not to mention the double posting. The maps don't look to terrible but this thread is really suspicious to me, and if my assumptions are correct then this sort of thing isn't tolerated of forge hub... ps. ghost as far as I know there is no rule about creating a map pack or putting several maps on the same thread...
All 3 are pretty plain. Im sure you had plenty of scenery left that you could have added to make some interesting geometry, it wouldnt even have to be accessable if you didnt want, so it wouldnt affect gameplay, but would make your maps look a tonne better. Some of the merging looks rushed, merging at a height is not as difficult as it seems, especially since you are using a flat ground. If you spend more time planning where you were going to place the objects, they would all be alligned and would merge much nicer. Also the third map is technically a casual map, it shouldnt really have been included in this map pack..