Oh Raven, I just played a real match in your map and I loved it. I really enjoyed hopping into the water and popping out to escape death, always fun. I can't wait after seeing this to find out what you will put out on forgehub in the future.
This map looks like a blast, and any map that barely looks like Foundry is usually great. You have my DL.
nice interlocking, it looks small enough for 1v1 not to huge or to small i agree with eyeless maybe a topside pic but overall 9/10
lol.. if you fall into the creek theres some way to get up right?? but ill DL and give you more feedback. Fer now 8/10, great job. thumbs up
the b sign over the bridge, I think you know the one(s), should be pushed into the double boxes to make it smoother
Looks pretty nice, but what happens once you are in the creek? edit: Why did this recieve a warning? I seriously thought that the creek was inescapable.
looks pretty good, uv got some nice ideas and it looks well don, the only thing i would say is to interlock those signs which are on ther sides but besides that good job
holy flying poop! I thought this thread had died out. thank you for you comments, and yes, I will release v2 at some point in time
nebelwurfer lol >.< It's a different looking map, quite small is see but i can sense it was difficult to get an overview. How easy is it to get out of that river?
Looks very nice actually. Is 2v2 supported? i just think that it may be fun that way as well. I'm not a turret fan but I see you made it 'never' respawn so that's good. Sort of reminds me of longest but with a little more character.