1v1 Backdoor 1v1 Backdoor: Download here! 1v1 Backdoor is my first attempt at a 1v1 map. It is rather small, but gameplay flows nicely up to 4 players. The map is asymmetrical, and consists of one main hallway, catwalks, a side hallway, and a staircase. The map is two floors, with many side platforms to jump to. :Weapons list: 5 BR/30 sec 1 Shotgun/180 sec/0 clips 1 Sniper/180/0 clips 2 Needler/60 sec/1 clip 2 Plasma Rifles/45 sec 1 Sentinal Beam/120 sec 1 Brute Shot/120 sec/1 clip 6 frags/10 sec 6 stickies/10 sec 1 bubble shield/90 sec 1 Deployable cover 90/sec :Screen Shots: Overview from catwalks Overview from shotty spawn Side Hallway Stairway :Action Screens:
How can I start to explain this map? Well, there are too many ledges. Second, too close to use explosions. And, on top of that, it looks messy in the pictures, but maybe that is just me. But, all in all, it looks like it took you a while to make.
It's looks REALLY cramped. Even though it looks like it has some good interlocking, I can't stand cramped maps. I'll DL just to see how it is.
Gamer-The ledges are made that way on purpose, to make the combat space multileveled. Thank you for the compliment however, and although it looks messy, the gameplay on it is fine. Felshot-I just tested it on 1v1v1 and it did not seemed cramped at all
Fine, I guess I can give it a download. It is the least I can di fir the hard work you put into this. Haha, it looks almost like one of my cramped maps, Close Quaters, which is going to be released possibly in my next map pack. EDIT: Yay! First Download!
i like small maps but this map might be a little too small. and might play good with 1v1 but i'm concerned about the weapon placements. a map this small shouldnt have a shotgun because its way too overpowering unless it does not place at start. also for a competitive map i wouldnt suggest putting in a sentinal beam, especially in a map this small. 3/5
there is some good looking interlocking but this map has to much going on. the architecture is really distracting the stair cases and also the crates and the little lift machine thingys just give it a cramped feeling. also you might want to put up less explosion/action pictures and put up more pictures that show what the map itself looks like because looking at tons of explosion pics makes me feel like my brian is bleeding out of my ears... but otherwise it looks fine for 1 v1 or 2 v 2
i wouldn't recommend this map to be 1v1 i think it should be 4FFA game but the map is a great example on what a competitive map should be like