STFU. People can name their map whatever the hell they want to whether or not it's relevant or not. Don't piss off at people because other people name their maps something you don't like. If you want to make your own maps have relevant names, go right ahead. Just don't tell people how they should name their maps.
Ok can I just clear something up here? I didnt "piss off" at anyone or anything, all i did was ask where he got the names from then I simply stated the names had NO RELEVANCE WHATSOEVER TO THE MAP, ... Is that such a crime? Hang on.. Let me read terms of service.................... Well no.. I dont think I read anywhere that you cant state relevance on anything.. Now thats cleared up, I do make my own maps, and I do give them relevant names. Hmm anyway Meta, I think it's best you just pick a random word to name your map so you dont get shouted at for naming it something relevant.. Here I'll give you a few ideas... It Oblivious Machine Microsoft Word Catamarang Orange Squash Rainbow Painted Goat Hair
This is really close to being necro bumping, but... I think I found a name I like It suits the map's layout and sounds really cool. The Mantle What are your opinions on that?
Call it the chandelier (not sure on spelling) and after your finished you can make some candle like things on it lol.. twas a stupid thought, but I like the mantle aswell. I also liked the name Circumference or Radius.
I've worked ALOT on the map but the only things that I've done is make the map symmetrical... nothing interesting but it needs to be done...
I'd call it something circle related. Diameter Radius Perimeter Circumference Tangent Etc. etc. I particularly like 'Diameter' and 'Perimeter'.
Huh. I can definantly see some great stuff going on, but is there going to be a path through the middle? And will there be more levels? Eh, I can't make out any sort of gameplay yet, but it looks great so far. Name suggestions: Same as everyone else plus, Metabolic Circumbite Gigabyte Meh, all I could think of.
OMG SEX! Updates are nice. You gotta show me this in game... as always. And have you considered making this MLG and submitting it to the MLG H3FF Map Pack 2? I don't know if they're still accepting forgers but you may be able to sign up still.
Possible thought: In addition to the center circle, what if there were side bridge-things that came out of both sides of each base and connected? Something like this: xxxx ( O ) xxxx O being the center circle, "xxx" being the bases, and the parentheses are the bridge-connecting things.
The names I like best are: The Mantle Drum Roll Revolution Sorry but all of the other names are just reminding me of math class (I don't like math class).
That is not the "gold room" from guardian! Did you decide not to go that way? Eitherway, I'm sure the map will play great.
I'd say Rotunda would be a good name. As for making It MLG, eh, no. And If making it/submitting it to a MLG contest was influenced by thinking it looks like an MLG foundry like map like Amp or Onslaught, it does not look anything like an MLG map, IMO. If your going to make a MLG map in the skybubble, make it something like "Archaic".
Why make the same gameplay that has already been done before? That is the reason it will make a good MLG map. I need some help on the dilemma Im having on the first page.