Well, I think this deserves to be in the mini-game forum rather than anything else. Basically this map is simple. Its one room, with 4 teleporters and little platforms above each teleporter. But dont let its simplicity put you off, because with the 1337slayer gametype, you might just have the most exhilarating 100 kills of your life. Ill quote what I wrote at bungie. LINKS: MAP DOWNLOAD GAME TYPE DOWNLOAD
in the same sense that grifball is just an empty room, yes its not the map i am advertising as such, its the gameplay. apart from a few mr. i take halo too seriously's this has got nothing but positive comments. and its addictive as hell. there are a few things, 4 teleporters and 4 platforms but yes its just "an empty room" its how you use it that matters.
Well I like that there is a good game here but maybe try to create something in the sky to give more feeling to it. For example make it so they are standing on fence walls so they can look down and maybe underneath it make scenery. Its great just a little dull.
Thats a real nice idea. I do know what you mean about it looking dull, ill try and spice it up as much as foundry will let me. If not, ill have to move onto a different map for v2.
You probably will not get many dls because if we wanted to play in an empty room, we would just cook one up in about 5 secs. But seriously, who wants to play in an empty room anyways? ( not a diss, just asking)
I Like ur map. It's simple, but very good. I like the random weapons idea. It mixes up the game and makes it alot better.
yea it is just 4 random tele's with a door above each1 and it is smaller than a NY drug addict's home with extreme bib bob
the fact of the matter is that YES it is an empty room and YES you can whack one together in a matter of minutes. what I am asking you to do is not download the map because you want a strategic game of slayer on it or because you want something amazing and fancy. but if you want a bit of fun. how many of you replied saying "is it just an empty room, i could make that in minutes" without actually a) reading the original post or b) downloading and actually playing the map and gametype with a few friends.. and honestly now. i doubt many of you, even if you did download it and load it up, actually played a game. on the other hand, thanks for the positive comments.
guys, please stop posting if your just going to say that this map is pointless. some of the most epic maps iv ever played were in "empty rooms". i have no doubt that anyone you could make an empty room, but you haven't. this guy has, so i thank him.