13-year old child becomes father.

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by wiggums, Feb 17, 2009.

  1. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    When this baby-faced, 4-foot tall boy was asked how he plans to provide for the baby financially, he replied, "What's financially?" Asked what he'll do about money, he says "I don't know," and looks away. Diapers cost "a lot," Alfie thinks, but he's not sure how he's going to pay for them. "I don't really get pocket money. My dad sometimes gives me £10."

    Clearly, Alfie, Maisie, and her mom, 15-year-old Chantelle Stedman, will need to be supported by their parents. The three are currently living with Chantelle's parents and her five brothers. Her father, Steve, is jobless.

    It might just be the adults that got everyone into this situation. "The Stedmans let the kids run wild on the street until all hours, they have no control over them," a neighbor told The Daily Mail. Alfie was often encouraged to stay overnight -- even keeping a school uniform there -- despite the fact that Alfie's mother lives nearby, and despite the fact he was only 12. Who's watching who here?

    A lot of parents feel daunted by the responsibilities of parenthood, but for Alfie, ignorance just might be bliss. He seems determined to be the best dad he can be, while being woefully unaware about how his life has changed. "Everyone is telling him things and it's going round in his head," said Alfie's dad, Dennis. "It hasn't really dawned on him. He hasn't got a clue of what the baby means and can't explain how he feels. All he knows is mum and dad will help...They have no idea what lies ahead."

    Still, Alfie wanted to be the first to hold the baby, born at 7 lbs 3 oz, and he spent every day at the hospital after Maisie was born. The kid deserves some credit for stepping up and wanting to be a dad, even if he's still a boy.

    Dad Dennis says the next thing on the agenda is a "birds and bees" talk between him and Alfie. Seems like too little, too late. Chantelle reportedly became pregnant after one night of unprotected sex; Alfie was 12 at the time.

    source: Boy Becomes Father at 13 - "I Thought It Would Be Good to Have a Baby" - ParentDish

    wow, he had sex when he was 12, and he hooked up with a 15 year old!

    thoughts? ideas? comments?
  2. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Moron. The last thing we need is more screw-ups in life. Enjoy the rest of your life in poverty, kid.
  3. Blue Pariot

    Blue Pariot Ancient
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    I'm pretty sure his mother had 5+ kids of her own, besides this boy.

    It's hard to feel bad for these people... I simply cannot do it.
  4. Halostar317

    Halostar317 Ancient
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    What the hell?

    I can't even get a girlfriend, let alone bang her.
  5. Miraj

    Miraj Ancient
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    All I am saying is that 15 year old ***** is wayyyy toooo desperate. The poor kid doesn't even know the meaning of the word "financial" and now he is the father of a baby at the age of 13. Go Britain!
  6. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    Did you SEE what the girl looks like? I think the boy was too desperate.
  7. HaloGoddess

    HaloGoddess Ancient
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    First and foremost, I blame the parents for not maintaining control over their kid. I don't know about any of you people here, but I sometimes wathc Maurry and I remember an episode where these young girls (13-16) were dieing for a kid! That is insane!

    As for this situation, can you imagine what it is going to be like when the kid gets older? Father and daughter will be only 13 years apart!! 8O The age difference will seem very strange, but look on the bright side, when the kid is older, her parents will still be much younger and youthful than the average aged parents! LOL
  8. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Where the hell were the parents when they were having sex? Unless she got pregnant the first time, they must have done it more then once. This is just so sad, and wrong at the same time. I mean, did they know the risk when they started having sex?

    During health last year at our school some 16 and 17 year old pregnant girls came in. One of them was having their second baby! She was first pregnant at age 13! What the hell!?

    But really... what were the parents doing at the time?
  9. Jimbodawg

    Jimbodawg Ancient
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    Holding the camera steady! What else!?
    Soon we'll see a sex tape, a few sex scandals, and Vegas marriage/divorce papers.
  10. PandaMan

    PandaMan Ancient
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    Do you mind if i quote you, and lol seriously where were the parents, and whatever happened to 1 condoms, 2 morning after pills, 3 abortion, and 4 well... no 4 but wat ever still i mean really what has the world come to.
  11. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    That's pretty sad how bad his parents have brought him up. Makes me think about about all the 8 year olds you hear on XBL, swearing their heads off and talking about sex all the time...if this is what the world's coming to...ugh. lol.

    I guess we can't really judge if we haven't had sex before, I haven't and don't plan on doing so until I'm married, but I honestly don't know what would happen if the possibility came up. Probably not like how it is here, though. I mean, seriously? Having a kid at 13? That seems to be some awful parentage.
  12. Ladnil

    Ladnil Ancient
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    You guys aren't even hitting the most insane part of this story.

    There are other little teens claiming to be the father.

    Now I don't know about your thoughts, but mine are holy shitballs this story is absolutely nuts. Doesn't even matter which one the father is, if they raise the kid themselves instead of having the parents take it, that kid has no chance in life at all. When your parents are too young to even get jobs as babysitters, something is seriously seriously ****ed up.

    Hell, if they hired a babysitter, and the father cheats on his girl with her, SHE could get charged with statutory rape.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    The parents of the mother have 5 kids, the 13 year olds parents have 9.
    Just put her up for adoption.
  14. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Ah, yes. Sxephil stated there were about 8 kids who slept with her. I thought Americas generation was too seductive/sexual, then I look at this! What country is this in anyway, I couldn't find any information on it.

    And as for the girl. She is butt-ugly. I barely suggest her to be a prude, let alone have a suitable sex life. Not only are the kids having sex, but it says the parents gave birth to them as teenagers. Like holy ****. I mean, I feel horrible for that child. I feel the government should pay the family, or some compensation, but in all reality it is their fault. I feel that 13 year old is even elated at the sight of having a child. For I'm sure he won't be doing ****, rather then playing with it.

    And out of all the 13 year olds in the world, they pick a retarded one. He doesn't even look like he hit puberty, let alone producing sperm. He is obviosuly borderline-illiterate with that. The kid doesn't know what financial means! Correct me if I'm wrong, but he even stated it wasn't his first time! This is just ludicrous. It seems they replaced education with sex. Girls must be having their periods there at 9.

    I feel someone should do something about this, for I see a harsh outcome. But what is there to do?
  15. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    The kids are British. It's a UK story, it's all up in my newspaper and shizzle!

    Yeah apparently he's having DNA tests to see if he's the real father 'cause lots of other kids are saying they could be the dad. She sure got around! It's OK though, she was using the pill! It's only 99% effective though so I guess law of averages sorted that one out ^.-

    Nice to know my taxes will be helping to bring up this lovely family, makes me proud!

    Wow, not only is he 13 and almost has a girlfriend, he almost has a child too! Except without the "almost"...>.>
  16. RadiantRain

    RadiantRain Ancient
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    Clearly it's the girls fault... I don't know how people can blame the parents when all they did was allow their child to have her own rights. The 15 year old girl is worth spitting on and calling a *****.

    Knowing that the boy is 13 and all, I hardly doubt he knew anything about sex. But when I read about the girl, who undoubtedly knew what sex is and everything I felt nothing but vexation, I hope the live in poverty.

    I hope they learn from their own stupidity and simple mindlessness and realize that sex is not the only dam function humans were built for.

    15 year olds here in America know more about sex then those two, and now we have a 13 year old who has another 50+ years ahead of him, who will most likely commit suicide like most other underage families.
  17. IDave the Rave

    IDave the Rave Ancient
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    His girlfriends looks like that woman who faked her kids abudction (can't remember what shes called).
  18. Norlinsky

    Norlinsky Guest

    Why is everybody having sex with that girl? She looks like she was hit by a truck.
  19. Dizfunky

    Dizfunky Ancient
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    He doesn't even know what financial means.

    "I thought it would be a good thing to have a baby."

    Yeah, nice one, kid. You're smart.
  20. I V3L0x

    I V3L0x Ancient
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    See the kid isn't even mature enough to know how to be a dad. And yes, the tax payers will be bringing that kid up. All i can say it is going to be a rough road for them.

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