What bothers me is the audacity of any company dictating to its consumers to what extent they can use the product. In some situations, it's perfectly fine and well, like a trash company limiting the volume of trash in each receptacle, or a pre-pay phone company like Tracfone setting limits. But here, when we pay for a hard drive that's either 20gb or 120gb, we shouldn't be told that we can't have more than 100 custom items that usually take up 56.5 kb. Doesn't sit right with me. Particularly when I have to delete something I'd love to keep simply so I can check something else out.
I've got an idea... They could let us organize our maps into folders and then you would only have to load from the maps in each folder. I'm not sure if there would be any technical issues to that but it sounds good to me... ps. I'm not sure why anyone would pick less...
You guys don't think beyond yourselves. . .you have to think: what would make it worthwhile for bungie. Everytime you load up those custom files guess who's bandwidth your uploading them from, thats right, bungie. Do you realize the massive portion of bandwidth that would attain. The simple answer would be something along the lines of having more custom spaces be part of bungie pro, but they made bungie pro free so that idea no longer works. but in a couple of months, all of us legendary dlc purchaser's will probably end up buying bungie pro because we enjoyed having those extra custom slots. who knows.
There definitly sould be no limit these maps usually use up hardly any memory plus use the harddrives
Set how many: Being a forger and having to save a million films and clips for video I can really only save save like ten maps that aren't mine before I hit the limit. But if it was unlimited I would probably end up saving too much stuff and never clean my saved content.
Even if it were increased by 20 it would help a lot. IMO the ideal amount would be 50-100 for maps, 50 for gametypes, 50 for vids.
the more the better i think because u wont hav the times when u try to save ur map after allot of work and u find out u hav 100
I think you should be able to pack those custom items on their to as much as your harddrive can hold. I mean I got the 120 gig hard drive and got room to hold this, but sadly restricted by bungie's limit. So yeah unlimited to the point on where your hard drive can hold it. That's my two cents take it as you wish. Thanks, ~Randle $candal
If you need to increase the custom item lmit, buy a used memory card at gamestop and save 100 maps on there. Might cost a little $$ but its worth it right?
I want to be able to set a limit. Okay, so I have a 120GB HDD, and I still have 100GB left, but I think we need a set limit still. Then, when you eventually reach that limit, mine would be 1000, you can clean it up. It would take a while to clean up, but I think that some things that people keep on their Hard Drives are crap, and they're too lazy to clean it up.