It's a gold membership because MSFT automatically upgraded the silver membership I created with a 1-month gold trial. Should work equally well (or poorly) with a silver membership, you just can't transfer the files back to your primary account if it's silver. That isn't a huge problem though, because with films, film clips, game types and map variants, you're always in a lobby that allows guests, so you should be able to use a silver account to load up items as well. You just need both the primary XBL gold account as well as the mule silver account signed in at the same time.
I guess I should also note that the Silver account mule method doesn't let you save off [edit] Foundry custom maps, unless you also purchase the Heroic DLC map for your Silver account. This limitation, in theory, should also go away when the Heroic DLC content becomes free (as Bungie has said it will.)
Sorry Sgt Sarcasm, I meant FOUNDRY, not all Forge. It just won't let you save custom maps to an account that doesn't have the base content (Foundry, Standoff, Rat's Nest.)
Soo do screenshots count in this limit as well? And also, along with the canvas maps that everyone no doubt has, we only have room for i think 83 maps, gametypes and videos? THAT F*****G SUCKS! I meen, i was gonna get a 120gb hard drive just becuase of all the maps i was gonna download but i can only have 100? WTF!
Screenshots count. 100 item limit only takes 10mb our of 20,000mb. Thats what 0.05%? of a regular harddrive.
i dont think you it should be a set amount even if bungie made it crazy like 500, people would eventuelly hit 499 then complain again if you get what i'm saying it should be unlimited, or..untill your xbox goes KABOOM
its not bungie or halo 3 fault for the 100 custom content limit. if no one here has noticed, this limit affects all games. the problem is how microsoft formated the hard drive. each account on your 360 has a single folder. in that folder contains a game folder. each game has its own separate folder. each folder can only contain up to 100 pieces of content. sucks... i know
IMO - The thing bungie pro or whatever where you cough up some gamer points and can have more stuff on your file share, well if they let you have more custom content with that upgrade i guarentee they would have my purchase, and with that if there was a way to make subfolders in my map sorting that would be awesome. like for foundry maps ( re-makes, infection, 1v1, etc.)
ok so you dont care if it takes a long time to load your 200 maps but what about that forge freak who has 600 crap maps and 20 nice ones when your playing with your friend whos playing with their friend whos playing with that guy youll be sitting there for like 10 minutes just to load up
That is a good point Crazy stairs, but still...I deleted all the crap, decent, and all but one of my maps but still ran out of all I have is the best maps I could find and play often but There's so much more i want to get...All the vids and screenshots i have are deleted also...Unlimited would be great, but even making it so you have to get bungie pro to get 100 more slots or more would be awesome if you could, I spent 3 hours on a map then got ready to float everything now that the ground objects were done, and I already had 100 custom content...its annoying having to save over your canvas,delete a map, and download the canvas again. Just gives us more space, Bungie
Unlimited! When I heard about Forge me and my friend were talking about how we would have 1 hard drive filled with Forged maps
I personally think there should be unlimited, buuuut, everything that is saved, even games that arent, are sent to Bungies server and stored there. That being said I think Bungie limits us so we don't fill their servers. That make sense? I kinda winged it.
Though I am fairly certain this has already been proposed, I have a rather rudimentary solution for the limitations imposed by the hundred item limit....create a secondary account (It doesn't need to be a gold account- it can simply be silver for this to work). Then transfer your custom screen shots, films, game variants, map variants, and what have you over to that account. At that point, you can simply delete all the items you aren't using. Then, when you want to play one of the maps you have created, you can simply load up the account, start a game between the secondary account and your own account. At that point, you should be able to select the map/game from your 'recent files' list. As for screenshots, photobucket works wonders-you could simply create a photobucket account, then link to the account. Aside from Youtube, there is probably another photobucket-esque website for film clips, as well. It's not a very desirable solution, but it's better than no solution at all, right?