Lol This 1000 of each limit? I think it will last a year most likely And thats in halo 3 terms of save worthy maps. But the 1000 of everything will prob never be reached with screenies and such.
never 1000 screenies or videos. maybe gametypes after like 10 years. but i dont think i will ever have to delete a map i like until college.
I hope that with the increased allowance for custom content there will be some way of categorizing it. Im a big fan of having a lot of different maps on my HD for customs, it would be nice to be able to store them properly, like in folders and subfolders etc
Wow^ Thats an amazing idea. But from what they showed when selecting forge world i dont think its possible.
Awesome. Always have this same problem. Though now, I've deleted a map before I start... Or atleast a film.
i only keep maps i like, i dont play infection. i like minigames, racetracks, and the occasional competitive map. i only use stuff with a ton of replay value. my stuff wasnt beautiful, it was good ideas and balanced gameplay. just because we have better tools doesnt mean more people will have good ideas, know how to balance, and take their time. it will just help them execute. so im still only going to play the most original stuff, and that group will only get smaller with more maps.
It would at least be nice to be able to have your own created maps seperated from downloaded maps. When I forge a map I end up with about 20 different versions where I saved progressively in case I dont like a part ive done. It would be nice to be able to keep these seperate from just a list of maps you want to save for customs. true.. Maybe theres a classification system. Bungies not that retarded. 1000 maps in one map, their doing something