A 128 ladder? AND of only 1 on 1, it sounds too boring for me to participate in. I do like the idea of a tourney though, I would just prefer at least a 2 on 2 tourney. My opinion, google over it.
then dont compete .simple.your comment isnt all that constructive and theres not much we can reply other than "well we think it is a good idea". therefore this is kind of pointless and obviously people do like it if over 160 people have signed up. and if youv looked at how tight the maps are they'll be anything but boring. thats all i have to say and i personally cant wait for the tourney Beside this is the wrong boards anyway this has nothing to do with forge discussion and if anyhere should be in suggestions
Yeah oops wrong forum lol. And yeah I'm not gonna compete, just 1 on 1 isn't much fun. I just kinda wanna know if anyone else has any better ideas for a tourney.
TDF is hosting this, and is buying the prizes. Next time, don't whine about free stuff. We will decide on more tourneys. ~ Locked