Before i start, let me say that i don't talk like that, it was simply my narrative hook, and im assuming if you're reading this, it worked. *self praise* Hey everyone, my gamertag/username is Torkzor, but you can call me Tom if you so wish. I've browsed forgehub for a while so i know my way around and such, but i finally decided to join because it seems like the kind of community i'd like to be in. I'm looking forward to meeting some of you interesting characters ;] and maybe contributing a few maps!
Omfg sup. sum1 hear f1naly ta1k5 1ik3 m3!!1!!1!!!!!1one!!!1!! Jk. kay now, follow the rules, don't piss of people and don't take drugs. That pretty much sums up everything you need to stay cool here. Take part in the off topic shenanigans, constructively criticise maps, and help people out. Over and out.