0IAH's Microsoft Points GIVEAWAY (In honor of the Weapon Tune Update Coming June 3, 2

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by 0IAH, May 31, 2013.

  1. 0IAH

    0IAH Promethean

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    Hey everyone!!! Today, I am starting an event that will give Halo fans like YOU the opportunity to get free MICROSOFT POINTS!

    I am doing this giveaway for my subscribers, viewers, fans, and for the new weapon tune update!! #Halo4Turbo

    How to get chances to win the MS points:
    http://goo.gl/q10It > join the giveaway event!
    www.twitter.com/0iah > find the giveaway tweet (RT & follow)
    www.facebook.com/0iahyoutube > find the giveaway post (like & share)

    Note: you do not have to do all of that for a chance; the more you do, the more chances you get in this raffle!

    Thanks for the support over the past couple months; I really appreciate it!!



    #1 0IAH, May 31, 2013
    Last edited: May 31, 2013

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