Its here, for a big date 08/08/08 Legendary Brawl! Starting right now, Legendary Brawl returns to represent as this weekend's Double EXP playlist du jour. Uh, I mean... Double EXP playlist de la semaine. Or maybe du weekend. Languages are hard. ...Anyway, for those unfamiliar with it, Legendary Brawl is a 12 player free-for all romp through the Legendary maps (with several of the normal maps and Heroic as well). If that description and the name of the playlist are not an indicator, that means that you need at least the Legendary Map Pack if you want to participate. Legendary Brawl is ranked, so this is a great opportunity to get those last couple achievements that you have been so wrongfully denied. Good luck! Legendary Brawl is available from 11am PDT on Thursday, August 7th until Monday the 11th at 2am. Heroic and Legendary Map Packs required (But not Cold Storage).
I hate legendary brawl .. I think it so boring .. I wish it was Team snipers or Living dead .. I love Grifball too ..
I can't wait to play it. I can't snipe so I hate team snipers, and grifball is fun but it gets boring.
There's a certain amount of people that make FFA work well. 12 far beyond that number. 12 person FFA only provides a lot of frustration.
Yay! Last time I couldn't participate in this because my LIVE was out... I'll try it out tomorrow morning... It'll give me something to do at my grandparents house!