03-K64 Firefly

Discussion in 'Reach Aesthetic Maps' started by Lazer X7, Feb 11, 2011.

  1. Lazer X7

    Lazer X7 Forerunner

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    Hey everyone. I'm Lazer X7, and this is my first map on ForgeHub. I've downloaded a ton of maps from here before, however, and have become a big fan of the ships everyone's posted. However, the one ship I really wanted to see was Serenity, from Firefly. If you haven't seen the show, its essentially a space-western revolving around a Firefly-Class ship taking odd jobs. I eventually found a Serenity map, and it looked really good, but it had only a small segment of the interior. So from scratch I've created the entire ship with a full interior. I didn't name the map Serenity though so you wouldn't have to choose which to keep.
    Warning, lots of pictures.

    First a couple pics of the exterior:

    Side. You can see the open cargo-bay door:

    Front. For kicks, the shuttles are falcons. about the same size, right?

    Back, with yellow-engine glow:


    Now for the interior. I'll start in the bay and work my way around. Here you can see the crates, the yellow "mule" ATV, and all the ramps up.

    Behind the central ramp, there's a door to the infirmary/passenger quarters/lounge.

    The first thing you'll see is the window to the infirmary. The crew lounge is directly across from it where the pathway slopes down.

    Inside the infirmary, complete with operating chair and medpacks.

    Past the med bay/lounge are the passenger quarters. You can't see in this pic, but in the design of the show there was some open space that kinda bugged me so i filled it with mechanical looking engine stuff.
    The first two rooms, River/Simon's, are unlocked. Book's room and the spare are in the back, and are 'red' for locked.

    Inbetween the infirmary and the passenger rooms is the ladder up. It uses one-way shield walls to propel you to the top. The 1st is head-level, so all you have to do is walk up to it. There's a mid-level catwalk and a second ladder before you arrive on the main-deck.

    This is the hallway between the engine room and the living room. Entrance from the ladder on the right of the pic.

    Here's the engine room. Some of the exterior pieces poke through, which adds a cool effect in my opinion.

    Now imagine your back in the cargo bay. Instead of going towards the infirmary, you can take the ramps up, which leave you on this catwalk. The ramp on the right side will take you up one more floor to the main deck.

    The Spartan in this picture is exiting from the ramp up. This is a sort of 'living room', with a dinning room table in the center, a kitchen on the left, and (not pictured) a large storage room on the right. While in the show you can access the shuttles from the cargo bay, I found it easier to have them accessible here, near the back. Also in the back is the hallway to the engine room and ladder down to the med-bay.

    Same room from the other side. Now you can see the storage room, the spartan in the kitchen, and the hallway to the crew quarters/bridge.

    Spartan moving up the ramp towards the bridge.

    In the show, the crew quarters were slung under the neck of the ship, and accessed by descending ladders on this hallway. I think I've represented this fairly well. There's little difference between them, but the rooms are supposed to be Mals (first on the right), Kaylee's (Second on right), Wash/Zoe (one the spartans looking in), and Jaynes. No idea if thats how they are actually in the show, but hey. Ahead is the bridge.

    Here is a look at Mal's room. The 'ladder' is as steep as I can get it before you slip. In the bottom right of the picture is a bed, and on the wall is a desk with a handgun, supposedly Mal's. Wash/Zoe's is near identical (save it has a grenade launcher, which looks a little like her carbine to me), and the two more forward rooms are a bit smaller.

    There's a small section of hallway between the rooms and the cockpit..

    And here you are. There's the two pilot's instrument panels, lots of windows, and some lockers on the right side. There's also that small drop down area in the front, but I'm not sure what it was for. Note: there is a little bit of lag up here, not sure if its just me.

    Here's from the outside looking in:

    Finally, the "shuttles". Right behind the living room, to the right and left, are ramps up to the falcon/shuttles,which are parked on the wings. Takeoff:

    *swoosh* Good size comparison.

    Comparison shot:

    And thats it! Hope you guys like it.

    If anyone has any good hints for making it better, or possible game type options, let me know. If you want to use it in anything, your free to, just credit me and send me a link or something.

    EDIT: Holy crap nearly 800 downloads in a week! Thanks everyone for downloading!

    Edit: Hey, its March 10th and it just got 1,000 downloads. Thanks for all the downloads and help.
    #1 Lazer X7, Feb 11, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2011
  2. sourd

    sourd Forerunner

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    hey good work on this. good looking ship but more importantly, it has such an interesting inside. goods job
  3. Minister Muffin

    Minister Muffin Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Many space ships (including my own) can be small and very detailed, but what I like about this one is that you took a ship that almost no one has ever built and, well... built it! It seems pretty big, and has an organized interior, which is really cool. Most decorations added cost a lot of money, but you seemed to make it work. I'm just curious, but how much of the budget do you have left on the map, and what categories are you out of items (if there is any category)? Also, for the ladder, you could earn some money by taking away all of the one way shield doors and watching Rifte Gifle's Ladder Building Tutorial on Youtube.

    It's a really cool ship, especially for a replica. It actually looks like the real ship!
    #3 Minister Muffin, Feb 15, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2011
  4. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You sir are the ****ing man!
    I love this show. And you got everything damn close, only thing I can think of is that Zoe and Wash's room is the biggest one because they are a couple.

    Defiantly going to download this and have a walk around.
  5. EvilFitzal

    EvilFitzal Forerunner

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    I have queued this for download, but the screenshots are exciting!

    About the lag in the cockpit, it seems certain rotations (I think in the Z axis) cause framerate issues. I started creating a map with rows of blocks rotated at 45 degrees from the ground, but quickly abandoned it when I ran across the blocks and got what seemed like 10 frames per second. Unfortunately, I don't think there's a way to accomplish your cockpit without these rotations.
  6. Lazer X7

    Lazer X7 Forerunner

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    hey thanks everyone! glad you liked it :) it was interesting, really, how well this ship could be translated into forge. i started with the floorplan and built the ship up around it, fortunately Joss and his crew made an extremely intuitive design.

    @Maxx Ray 006: there is about 730 dollars left on the budget. unfortunately i am maxed out on bridges/platforms, building blocks, decorative, and walls. i didnt use any buildings, and im still good on inclines.
    i watched the video and found that a very interesting idea. i think there are a few places where i can replace blocks with something else, probably ramps, and i can use the pieces i saved for the ladder. if not, ill definitely use it on future maps, it looks like it takes up much less space/money than shield-wall ladder.

    thanks! glad to see another fan. :) yeah, the rooms are kinda off. if i make an updated version, ill watch the show/movie first to see where exactly their rooms are in relation to eachother, i think mine are wrong.

    @Evil Fitzal:
    Huh, yeah, i think you have a point there. my ship isnt at a 90, its at a 45, which leads to so pretty weird angles on the grid when i want straightforward angles. looking at it again, i think i can simplify some parts without loosing detail. it wont lead to no lag, but might reduce it some.

    anyways, thanks a ton for the insight and comments. i will definitely try to incorporate these ideas into a second release, or future projects of mine.
  7. Ozkid3232

    Ozkid3232 Forerunner

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    Like I said in 5th Collumn, I am pathetic at making ships on reach, and this is why!

    The detail in the Bridge is astounding! And the engine room with the exterior pieces sticking through, does add a cool effect!

    When the BUNGIE website is fixed, I WILL download this! ;D

  8. Lazer X7

    Lazer X7 Forerunner

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    thanks man, glad you enjoyed it. like i said on the other one, if you want to make a version of this compatible with gametypes, you're free to as long as you give me a nod for the base map. i think some interesting close-quarters combat can be made from this.
  9. Ozkid3232

    Ozkid3232 Forerunner

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    I just had the craziest idea!


    Anyway about the gametypes-
    -Of course I'm notifying you as the map designer!
    -I'm thinking of an assault gametype, maybe try to force elites to be the 'bombers'
    -also like you said with close combat-
    -and KotH
    -and maybe infection would be interesting!

  10. Lazer X7

    Lazer X7 Forerunner

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    haha im interested to see how thatll turn out :p

    sounds good! for assualt, were you thinking about the elites spawning in the ship, or somewhere on the ground and having to make there way aboard?

    i think koth and infection would work really well. also, you might want to remove the shuttles and seal those doors to the wings to prevent people from hiding on the outside of the ship.
  11. newbieninja2

    newbieninja2 Forerunner

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    I have seen and downloaded dozens of serenity maps but this is by far the best one I have seen so far. the details are amazing! there are a few minor holes and inconsistencies but overall it is amazing. my only problem is the hole in the wall on the way to the engine room and how small the rooms are, for the rooms I can understand the space limits for the rooms, with having to include them while still being athsteticaly correct. but you could cover up the wall with something, even if your totaly out of blocks you could even cover it up bomb placers.
  12. Lazer X7

    Lazer X7 Forerunner

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    i knew i had some problems with holes in the engine room, i guess i didnt get it all. where is it exactly so i can cover it up?
  13. Ozkid3232

    Ozkid3232 Forerunner

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    Assault doesn't have to be elites. Elites vs Spartans is invasion. But other than the elites yeah that's the idea. Like 1 bomb assault.

    Yeah, I can make the doors sealed to prevent camping there.

    Idk how it's going to be a race map bun it'll be interesting!

    I'm also thinking of posting a map.

  14. xSoGx Grim

    xSoGx Grim Commander

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    I kid you not, I remember someone messaging me to forge this and I lightly explained that someone out there would do a much beter job than I would. Had no idea what Serenity or Firefly was so I googled it, and said..ya good luck with the front of it.
    And here it is, right in front of me. Gotta give you props on the exterior. Have no idea what it looks like on the inside so I can't judge your accuracy there, but it looks good anyway. Like I mentioned before, you did a sweet job with the observation deck, the glass on it was merged perfectly. Keep forging looking forward to more content!
  15. Lazer X7

    Lazer X7 Forerunner

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    thanks man, i appreciate it. its a great show, and the ship was well thought out which made it pretty natural to forge.
    haha same, cant wait to see emile in noble team.
  16. Madpond

    Madpond Forerunner

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    its nice to see an interior of this map i have this map alswell very detailed from the real picture great job on the remake
  17. Lazer X7

    Lazer X7 Forerunner

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    hey, quick question: if i were to make a promotional video of this, i could only post it on this thread, right? or is there another place for that? also, do you have to have bungie pro subscription to make videos on reach that you can download? thanks!
  18. d4rkdemon

    d4rkdemon Ancient
    Senior Member

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    oh my god, i loved the show 'firefly' but there should of been a series 2. :(
    (the movie was awesome..)

    well onto the map, i really love the detail, and the theme, serenity, you should try too convert this map into a gametype, i am going too download,

    your awesome

    EDIT'' i just downloaded it, its amazing, you really should try an get someone to create this into the second series of firefly, its so fun just walking round,
    #18 d4rkdemon, Mar 17, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2011
  19. Lazer X7

    Lazer X7 Forerunner

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    agreed! i cant count how many times ive watched the movie or show, and since i missed it when it was on the air i thought i could show my respect by remaking it in forge.

    ive actually got a more streamlined version underway, thats a little more economical with part choice. this should let me cut down lag (the cockpit runs smooth now) and expand in detail and accuracy. its kinda taking the back seat to another project of mine (which is taking a back seat to school), but the next version should have gameplay support.

    well, someone contacted me and wants to use it in a machinima about Buck from ODST, and since Buck is essentially Mal in everything but name, i think thats pretty close haha. the machinima's all tentative, but if the ship ends up getting used expect to see the video here!

    edit: apparently this was used in a machinima show called 'sanity not included', i looked at a couple of their videos and its on this one at 3:13 (beware, sick humor)
    now to ask for credit!
    #19 Lazer X7, Mar 18, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2011
  20. orvidon

    orvidon Forerunner

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    AWWW MAN! I was going to make this! Ah well, you beat me to it! Great ship, one of the best I've ever seen. It looks almost exactly like the T.V show!

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