
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by LynnJynh9315, Oct 2, 2008.

  1. SVV33T SAUC3

    SVV33T SAUC3 Ancient
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    This map looks really good. You have some serious interlocking skills. The map looks like a lot of fun. The layout of the map looks cool. Is it inescapible? It looks really smooth and I like the multiple floors and the lift. 4/5
  2. What's A Scope?

    What's A Scope? Ancient
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    I like the layout (the actual layout and the pics). The airvents look great. You did a absolutely astounding job with interlocking. Aesthetics are great. Map looks really fun.

    PS- nice name
  3. LynnJynh9315

    LynnJynh9315 Ancient
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    ....Just who exactly do you think I am?!

    Buddy, I not only played this map "BEFORE POSTING"- I made this map. As a result, I honestly have no idea what you mean by a soccorball trap. There is no soccorball on the map- period. I still have enough budget to fix problems on the map if I need to but I have no intention of puting a soccorball in.
  4. LynnJynh9315

    LynnJynh9315 Ancient
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    Thanks alot, I worked for a long time on this map. The last map I made was before summer, so I've been taking plenty of time to make this one.

    I'm not entirely sure if the map is escapeable or not. I put alot of effort to make it such, but I also wanted enough room to get out of the map as a monitor if I had need to while forging. It may be possible- though quite difficult and totally impractical in a match- to escape the map.

    Interlocking is most time and know-how. I would never claim to be one of the best, but I put an excessive amount of time into interlocking every piece into a cohesive whole.
  5. LynnJynh9315

    LynnJynh9315 Ancient
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    Hey Xanon! Thanks alot for your comments- I'll be waiting for your full analysis when you get done playing it. Happy forging!
  6. LynnJynh9315

    LynnJynh9315 Ancient
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    Thank you- but when you mean nice name are you refering to my name or that of the map?

    I named the map Eternity because of the idea that combat should be steady and seamless without anything interruptions to the flow of combat. There's no stopping and gazing at the daises, beacause once the match starts it doesn't slow down.
  7. LynnJynh9315

    LynnJynh9315 Ancient
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    UPDATE: new maps

    I have recently added some new pictures of the map to the forum. These pictures are action shots are taken from two different games.

    Enjoy and Thank you.
  8. Weremidget

    Weremidget Ancient
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    Woot! Totally in one of the screens.

    Lynnjynh, I've said it before but you always come back with this unique aesthetic style in your maps. It looks sort of ragtag and ramshackle, but it's just your use of ordinary objects in unusual ways. An example in this map is the stairs both in the centre structure and around the top of the outside wall.

    I remember you showing me the beginnings of this map months ago, it's been a long time coming being crafted meticulously and polished into what it is now. You achieved the goals you had in terms of gameplay, which signals a success for you in this map.

    Great job, one of your best.
  9. Black C4t

    Black C4t Ancient
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    Looks extremely aesthetic at the same time as a closed in map... Overall one of my favorite brands of maps... I havnt tried this map but il see if I like it maybe tommorow.. Keep forging
  10. LynnJynh9315

    LynnJynh9315 Ancient
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    Yes, you are totally in some of those screens. Thank you alot Weremidget, I'm far more comfortable with you impressed. This map was a long time in the coming, and I went through alot of other ideas before settling on this as my next map. I'm surprised by how well the air vents were received, but I have to admit they are very effective.
  11. Weremidget

    Weremidget Ancient
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    Hey no problem man, always happy to help.
  12. Brodellsky

    Brodellsky Ancient
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    I was testing a map like this before...
    Although I don't think this is the same one, this one looks just as good as the other one was.
    And that's pretty good. :)
  13. TheXShadowXKing

    TheXShadowXKing Ancient
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    wow amazing ffa map just amazing,i played a game of 4ffa and it was just crazy fun, nothing bad to say....
  14. LynnJynh9315

    LynnJynh9315 Ancient
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    UPDATE part 2

    When I went to insert all of my new pictures last Friday, I didn't get them all in posted as I wanted to. The problem seemed to be that I had copied the thumbnail to Photobucket rather than the full image. I apologize for this. The issue has now been rectified, and we can all revel in Werem1dget's new shiny, blue kneepad....

    Oddly enough, he won second place in our 3-player FFA- and I came in last. :( I love making maps in forge- but I'm SO much better at playing CoD4. Nevertheless, enjoy the new pictures!!
    #34 LynnJynh9315, Oct 6, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2008
  15. LynnJynh9315

    LynnJynh9315 Ancient
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    LynnJynh9315 looks back on Eternity and gives an update on future projects

    Oddly enough, Eternity has gotten no criticisms that I can see (though that didn't save it from being bumped down to a 4 star rating- sigh). Undoubtedly the map was well-made- or at least better than Monument- and fixed many of the issues my previous works have had, such as escapeability. So, I am pleased. I've already got a chance to play on the map several times, and most people really enjoyed the layout. The praises on the air vents and the multi-floored layout never seem to end for some reason.

    So, what's next? What map will I be working on next? Actually all my other maps are in the idea stage right now, so it could be some time before I release another map. I think its only right that I follow up with another FFA style map, but I might wander a bit. I actually went through two other maps, before I finally settled on Eternity as my next map. Genesis for one was quite effective as a follow up to my map, Finale, and gave an excellent mixture of ground and vehicle combat. I may decide to release that map, but if I do I'll have to fix some of the aesthetic issues (as well as getting around to placing Respawn Areas and Objectives- always annoying).

    The second map I made was called Airborne. It was REALLY hard to stratch that idea, but I knew people would constantly be criticising the man-cannon precison on it- and it just wasn't something that I could control or fix. I had a hard time letting that one go.

    I'm now working on a new untitled map that uses geomerging, but to be honest I still haven't mastered the technique enough to actually use it effectively. Still, I must thank Bl00dFir3 for his excellent Youtube videos on the subject. If you've yet to master geomerging or interlocking, I suggest you visit the following link to his "Forge School":

    YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

    Other than that, I've been salivating over Far Cry 2's map editor and waiting impatiently for its October 21st release. After all, there is more to life than forge. To be honest, even though I'm addicted to Forge, I don't even like to play Halo 3- so Far Cry 2 could be my salvation.

    Well, thanks for supporting my map everyone. Forge on!!
    #35 LynnJynh9315, Oct 15, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2008
  16. LynnJynh9315

    LynnJynh9315 Ancient
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    An update on my next map.

    I have officially started work on my next map. So what can I tell you about it? Well, it IS the follow-up to Eternity and will be an entirely symmetrical FFA map. The same flowing combat will be featured in this next project as well. Currently, I plan the map to be a semi-circular arena with three floors that wrap around a central "foyer". In addition to this, air vents will make a comeback as a means of reaching the top floor from the bottom- I do not have any plans to use teleporters on this one. As I said before, this map will be using geo-merging (already started on it), and will continue to utilize floating and interlocking- I doubt it will disappoint fans of Eternity or Monument. It will be quite different from my other maps, the first map not to borrow layout ideas (since Finale- 2 maps and over 6 months ago) from other people's maps. In short, its ambitious.

    As for weapon layout, I currently have no plans and would gladly take any suggestions anyone might have. I have only one rule, I don't intend to use power weapons such as rocket launchers or swords/hammers. I have been thinking about some new equipment though. An active camo might be too overpowering for the cramped map I plan to make, but I'm not opposed to other things.

    Currently my next map is less than 10% done (even less when you consider respawn areas and objectives). I seem to be having trouble geomerging these interlocked staircases, getting them perfectly aligned is like hell. I thought I had it all finished yesterday until I realized it wasn't level with the floor it leads up to (*lots of screaming and primal growling*). The really annoying thing is that whatever I do to one side, I must do to the other- sigh. I wouldn't expect the map for at least two months.

    In other news, I have been busy publishing Eternity on several other forums. You can now find the map on LGNation and Halo 3 Junkyard. The LGNation site was the one that really impressed me.

    So everyone, keep forging. I hope to see you all in multiplayer Far Cry 2. Until then, keep forging with avengence!!
  17. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    DUDE you do NOT triple post
    the map looks ok, nothing great, not DLing as im too busy
  18. LynnJynh9315

    LynnJynh9315 Ancient
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    Not a bump

    I did not triple-post- each of those comments were made weeks apart from each other. They are clearly not bumps as I actually had a lot of important things to say in each one of them.

    As for not downloading, thats perfectly fine.
    #38 LynnJynh9315, Oct 22, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2008
  19. evilution101

    evilution101 Ancient
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    i love this map
    the interlocking is perfect and it looks like it took a really long time. The mancannon chutes are very impressive and for me make this map stand out.
    you obviosly know what you are doing as a forger and should continue to build more maps.
  20. Creeping Death

    Creeping Death What's a Halo?
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    Actually, this is a bump, a triple post, and a borderline necro post since you posted 3 times in a row without anyone else posting, you let it go almost 2 weeks before posting again, and obviously you knocked it back to the top.

    Triple Post
    Necro Post

    Please don't do this again and read the rules of the forums which can be found here.

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