Thanks for the suggestions and comments guys, i will spend a couple of more days on it. and tex, i know your trying to abide by the rules...
I reckon you should change its so the humans are the animals and the zombies the humans(people with guns) so that if you hunt and kill they turn...
Ross (vampire's 1st map(on foundry)) Well i finally got my hard drive shipped from hong kong, after buying it off eBay a week ago and i considered...
heres my first xbl minitage for halo 2 + 3, with old clips from my capture card and ne clips from my video camera...
i cant do it because i only have a memory card not a hardrive so i cant even get maps + im too young to get a job to get one and mom said xbox...
the first race will begin when we have enough participants, and it will continue from there
omg nice, 5 stars, high five!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its my most fave mini race map =]
umm when i click on how to make a door it goes to the second a guide, plz fix it
my youtube channel is vampireB3AN not vampireB34N :squirrel_blush: lol and thats how i got my gamertag, i needed to pee and i was registering on...
omg, brilliant =] its so genius, how did u do it, i can only do animations lol
H3RL, Halo 3 Racing league Hey guys, i have seen allot of racing maps in the past but no gameplay so i have decided to start a sub community on...
Thanks guys, ill make another post on disscussion and ill add some of the people participating, I'll ask then add leader roles to the people i...
Omg i love it, i made a similar one on valhalla, but with crates on receivers and a hornet on tope with 4 gravs lift getting you ontop, great work...
i agree, infection is so over-rated. but........That is because of infection not on matchmaking and the quickness it takes to build an infection...
Nice man, true not allot of swat maps, good job well done azn and fusion =]
Hey guys, i have seen allot of racing maps in the past but no gameplay :confused: so i have decided to start a sub community on forgehub called...
This map is good, if your a forge beginner, 3/5 because it is messy, and its randomly put together d/ling to play
omg, the weapons are so.....BALANCED! and the interlocking is sweet, i d/led this and because of playing everyone downloaded it from mason...
its a good idea to interlock as, well this map is average but with interlocking it will be much better, good idea to hav more pathways spawn later...
Nice dude i played unreal tournament 3 and on shangri la, this is mostly an exact remake(weapons are close in style) 4/5 interlocking could have...