Im thinking of a good way to implement stairs instead of the doors. The crates are immovable, the mauler and spartan laser have been removed.
Ive been thinking about good cover options and taking the laser out. The flamethrower and turret can easily be killed, and if I add more cover,...
A remake of my map, Warzone, but with interlocking. This map is ideal for 2-4 player games of slayer and works best with Slayer. There are a...
I have it interlocked now. Its on my fileshare if anyone wants it. Its the newest update.
I wanted to add a moving target training off to the side using grav lifts in weapon holders and fusion coils, but it didn't work >_<.
Hard to add more cover XD, but after I remake my other map, Warzone, and make it prettier(with item merging) for anyone who complains about maps...
Definitely downloading, this looks amazing, great work.
Alright, PM me when you're done with it, I'd like to check it out.
Yeah, that's why I have shotguns and a sword on it. Figured it'd work a lot better if there were close range weapons on it as well as a few long.
I'll most likely make a revamped version of the map just like I did with Warzone and fix the jumping out of the map problem.
Yeah, the fusion coils are the targets.
I'll get those right now.
A map I use to "warm up" before playing matchmaking. Just grab a weapon from the armory and start firing. A view from downrange: [IMG] The...
An symetrical octagon shaped map compatible with slayer and captue the flag. The map works well for smaller parties such as 2-6 players and has...
I fixed the pictures. Much bigger now and it's urbanish I guess. Was supposed to be like a town square kind of thing, that's why the "fountain" is...
That sucks I'll repost it later once I mess with it and embed the pictures better. Thanks.
Sorry about that. Was just trying to fix my pictures. When I did the embed code in the sticky, it didn't work, so I used the code imageshack had.
My pictures won't work.. Here's a link to the pictures in my high res photos...
I have a new, better, interlocked version of this. Much better, more balanced, etc....
Re: Millennium Falcon Too bad you cant explore every part of the ship, but this is an amazing build of it