I would say add more platforms and ramps and stuff. This map looks super bare.
Exactly. Having two focals kinda just ruins it. Also it doesn't seem like it blends? As in color wise. I really like the popouts though....
Take the scanlines out they kill the sig. Other than that, it has a few depth issues but its good.
I doubt it. Its the same process being applied. I just did it to 3 iPod's (no I'm not super rich I just have 3 brothers) and they all worked...
Are you kidding me? The chances of bricking are abou .00000000001%. If something goes wrong, you simply restore in iTunes. I've jailbroken...
Hey man looks better than the first but could still use a bit more work. The first thing I recommend is getting a solid color scheme. In this...
That's very true. Well I guess I should change my layout that I made when I was most likely on meth, even though I was never on meth.
Your supposed to be looking at my *****. And yeah. My join date is your guys' birthdate. Lmaooo
k dud3. 10th prestige lobby. 9001 microsoft points. Message me for details. (on a more serious note, why the pink text? lol)
Lol thanks for the tips guys. Like I said, first time in PS for ages so just getting the hang of things again.
OMG WHAAT ****. Just kidding. Its a tad over exposed.. And the stars are a tad too bright. other than that, I like.
Oh wow... I uploaded the wrong one... :p My bad. Its been changed
Grade 9 is easy as **** bro. Don't sweat it. But don't spend your life on Halo. Make some friends. You'll regret it if you don't.
Yea sure bud.
REACH WILL LAST FOREVER!!!!1!!!1!!!1!!!1 Not. I give it two years. Three years max. Its too early to tell though. The game may totally blow.
**** gangsta's and **** emo's. I'm just straight legit.
i c4n h4ck ur sh1t br0 just gimme your account inf0 and u c4n be purple again!
[IMG] First time in the 'shop for quite a bit. Lemme know what you think. EDIT: I posted the wrong one but now the most recent one is in the...
Frag Man, I love you.
Your purple looked better. Just sayin'