its a very good map but other then the creek and the limp **** its not beaver creek or battle creek a good job but its like saying that guardian...
oops i meant to say that i wouldn't run at it with my fist sorry for that
i don't hide outside the maps unless im really bored like the entire other team quit except for the one guy and even then i don't leave the map i...
wrong we are just like other animals its just that we don't have all the things like claws fangs to fight with, instead we have our intelligence....
1- if the hunting doesn't change the numbers of foxes then think how high the population would be without hunting. 2- the foxes kill the chickens...
I don't think so i mean honestly I've played violent games my whole life and I'm not violent in real life i mean i can only really use a bow with...
should hunting be legal there is a lot discussed about this topic with some people saying that animals should have the same rights a as people but...
I wrote my term paper on gun control and access to guns isn't what causes gun violence the two countries with lowest gun crimes are japan where...
the majority of christian holidays are were put in strategic places throughout the year by the catholic church often to overshadow pagan kolidays
the purpose of circumcision is to continue the covenant that god made with Abraham there are no medical reasons
people who are offended by the words merry Christmas are bored activists from the 70s who something to rebel against also I'll merry Christmas to...
i agree with humboys completely and i would like to add idea for people to think about. how do you get a terrorist who thinks that you are so evil...
sweet map i like the aesthetics and the interlocking is flawless and yes i will [IMG]
first off I'd like to point out that you can't catch or get ADD you either have it or you don't its not a virus its on they same spectrum as...
this looks good and while he should use the screen shot function he at least has pictures unlike most people who are new and his post was up to...
not many maps do i look at and immediately say this good there are even fewer that make me say that is great and this is above great to bad im not...
when i saw the words tower of power my imidiate thought was this is gonna suck so way to change my mind this map is awesome i love the complexity...
neverless wonder you didn't even read his post did you republican pres. + republican congress = lots of things getting passed only the "police...
senator mccain is not anothe george bush 90 percent of the economic problems we are facing now are result of FDRs new deal and deregulation of the...
draw the line that is not even what he was saying that people may be saying that they would vote for obama so that pollists would not think that...