Big opportunity for those into making mlg/ mlg styled 1v1s and 2v2s. If you get a map in this time it will mean a lot of attention and a lot of...
Neither actually: just a fan of the original metallica song.
Yea man I'll try and get to fiddling around p6 soon
Hey man, not sure when I get around to playing with that sketch cause my keyboard and mouse aren't working atm on the only computer I have w/ sketchup
Yeah I'm actually finally really open this weekend so I should be on at some point. And yeah GW is nasty.
It happens, just go with whatever you think will work best, and show me next time I'm on :)
Yep I'll be on in a few minutes actually.
Yeah I'll probably need to see the map in game to get a better idea
-Sniper? I'm not sure if I should change it or remove it or what...It was Fritzster's suggestion, and I really like it, but it's true that it's...
-Opening the 5th base (mauler) more, basically getting rid of the "M" and putting those boxes higher and angled to block off a couple LoS's Sounds...
I only have a couple points of feed-back here. This is the best warlock remake. You nailed the sizing, the lines of sight, you elevated top...
Yea it worked now, earlier the page just wouldn't open for me for no reason. Thanks.
Yo your link to the unbreakable dereliction is broken. I was interested in seeing it.
Alright yo since I can't get on for the idea I'll just put my idea for the unfinished side here. I was thinking about the original version of the...
boner, that looks sick dude.
Ohh sick, over the weekend hopefully we'll both be on.
haha yea I heard him bitching about that the other day, thanks for showing me.
Ohh no the other way only with the bridge block off, I don't think you can go back towards the other way but I'll have to try that later.
He's gonna redo that section, you can get out by walking close to the end of the garage and nading out. All he did was make it really hard to get...
The jump pad nade trick I have no idea how to fix, I also haven't seen anyone do it yet either so zoro and I came up with a few ways to stop the...