Yeah there arent a lot but i didnt want to overload the map cuz its made for mlg settings
Yeah for some reason those bridges got messed up idk but there is a lot of cover on the ground and there is really no room to put much more.
Thanks I have a couple new projects coming
Thanks yeah it is funn to play on and thanks for the complements.
um i dont really get the map right now but I will dl and check it out later
HAHA thanks yeah im not really a big fan eithier but I decided to make it an MLG map and its seems like it is working out
nice map good geomerging but looks like the main wall is a little bumpy will dl and check it out
very nice good interlocking and nice layout
THis looks good great layout nice job
umm kinda weird layout looks kinda messy but I like the staricase nice interlocking
umm nice map kinda basic but not bad for a first post I probably would of added some more cover like walls interlocked into the boxes you know...
good map some parts of the roof of the large building look a little off but otherwise nice job.
cool map nicely interlocked dont see and problems but will download just to check it out nice work good forging
wow great map the switch is really cool it must of taken awile to perfect and everything is nice and clean yet again nice work
yeah um you also might want to add more pictures but i see you are doing that and also you might want to add more of a description of each type
OK yet anopther mlg map but nice work it looks very smooth and clean nice work
Yeah it did end up looking different I was just talking about the like roof with the powerups interlocked and the little houses although he...
nice map it looks good kinda looks like amplified though but its good nice work
nice map good layout and good intelocking but some parts look a little sloppy but overall nice work
weird but nicely done grat layout and geomerging.